Moves Like Jagger
Bracken Heidenreich (USA) - July 2011
Moves Like Jagger (feat. Christina Aguilera) (The Voice Performance) - Maroon 5
32 count intro
Ball change, Step, 1/4 Pivot cross; Turn, Turn, Cross and Cross
&1-2& Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left in place; Step Right forward
3&4Step Left forward; & Pivot quarter turn Right; Step Left across (in front of) right
5-6Make quarter turn left stepping Right back; Make quarter turn left stepping Left to side
7&8Step Right across (in front of) left; & Close Left next to right; Step Right across (in front of) left
Side, Touch, Kick ball cross, Step 1/4 Touch, Triple Quarter Left
1-2Step Left to left side; Touch Right next to left
3&4Kick Rick forward; & Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left across (in front of) right
5-6Step Right to right side; Make quarter turn left, touching Left next to right
7&8Step Left to left side; & Close Right next to left; Make quarter turn left and step Left forward
Bump and Step, Turn Bump and Step, Turn Bump and Step, Turn Bump and Step
1&2Step Right forward bump right hip forward, back and forward
3&4Make half turn left and step Left forward bump left hip forward, back and forward
5&6Step Right forward bump right hip forward, back and forward
7&8Make half turn left and step Left forward bump left hip forward, back and forward
Out, Out, Back, Back, Step, Prep, 3/4 Turn
1-2Step Right to forward right diagonal; Step Left to forward left diagonal
3-4Step Right back to center; Step Left next to right
5-6Step Right forward; Step left forward (prep for turn)
7-8Sweep three-quarter turn left; Finish with Right touched next to left
Begin Again and Have Fun!!!
4 Count Tag: After the 10th wall (when Christina finishes her two verses)
Out, Hold, Roll Hips
1-2Step Right to right side; Hold
3-4Roll Hips counterclockwise
This step sheet may be freely copied intact; however, modifications to this step sheet may not be made without the permission of the choreographer.
Last Revision - 23rd September 2011