Thinking of Me
Improver / Easy Intermediate
Julie Carr (UK) - December 2010
Thinking of Me - Olly Murs
Section 1: Forward R Mambo, L Coaster, 4 Sways
1&2Rock forward on R, recover back on Left Step Right next to Left.
3&4Step back on Left, Bring right together with Left, step forward on left
5-6-7-8Four funky Sways R-L-R-L. Optional Click fingers, R L R L hand side to side
Section 2: Step R side, feet together. R side shuffle with ¼ turn R. Repeat with L Side
1-2Step R to right side, bring Left together with Right
3&4Step Right to Right side .bring Left together with Right, step forward on Right as you make a ¼ turn R. (3 clock wall)
5-6Step Left to left side, bring Right together with left.
7&8Step left to left side, bring Right together with left, Step left forward on left as you make a ¼ left. (12 clock wall)
Section 3: Jazz box ¼ turn R, L forward Step lock, Stock lock step.
1-2-3-4Cross Right over Left, step back on left , step Right to right side as you make a ¼ turn right, touch left next to right (3 clock wall)
5-6Step forward on Left, Lock Right foot behind Left foot (weight on right
7&8Step forward on Left lock right behind left, step forward on left. (3 clock wall)
Section 4: ½ turn Left, R forward shuffle, Full turn Left , Left Mambo.
1-2Step forward on right, make ½ turn left, step forward on left stepping forward on left.(weight on left) (9 clock wall)
3&4Step forward on right, bring left to right, step forward on right.
5-6Step back on left as you make a ½ turn R. Step forward on right as you make a further ½ turn R. (9 clock wall)
7&8Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step left together with right.
Easy Dance you can sing along to
Hope you enjoy Julie