Old Fashioned Way
Ginette Jones - February 2009
Old Fashioned Way - The ABc Showband : (downloaded from Amazon)
*1 OR 4 wall Line Dance in the style of a Foxtrot or American Smooth
Sideways Sway x 3, Weave, Diagonal Sway x 3
1-3 Step right foot to right side swaying to the right, sway to the left, sway to the right
4&5& Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across in front of left
6 – 8 Step left foot forward to left diagonal swaying body forward, sway back, sway forward
Foxtrot Steps
9, 10 Step right foot back toe heel to right diagonal
11, 12 Step left foot back toe heel parallel to and passing right foot
13, 14 Step right foot back facing start wall), close left to right
15,16 Step right foot forward heel toe to right diagonal
17, 18 Step left foot forward parallel to and passing right foot heel toe
19, 20 Step right foot forward facing start wall, close left foot to right
Step to Right, Sway, Close, Step to Left, Sway, Close
21 – 24 Step right foot to right side, sway to right, sway to left, close
25 – 28 Step left foot to left side, sway to left, sway to right, close
29 – 32 Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind right, step left foot to left side, close
Counts 1 – 3 wrap left arm around waist in front, lay right arm diagonally across body with hand on left shoulder imitating an embrace (in the style of Charles Aznavour)
Counts 5, 6, 7 Extend left arm elegantly forward, bring it back, extend it again
Counts 13, 14 A Foxtrot heel turn can be done here instead. Close right foot to left foot (13), with feet together and weight on heels turn the toes of both feet to right diagonal (14)
Counts 21 – 24 Extend right arm elegantly to right side on count 22, bring it back over counts 23, 24
Counts 25 – 28 Extend left arm elegantly to left side on count 26, bring it back over counts 27, 28
To make this a 4 wall dance step left foot ¼ turn to left on count 31 and close right foot to left on count 32