
Paul McAdam (UK) - August 2008
Multiply - Jamie Lidell

Count In: Approximately 16 counts into song on vocals.

(1-9) Walks X 3, Richt Shuffle, Rock, ¼ Sweep, Sailor Step
1,2,3 Walk forward on left foot, walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
4&5 Right shuffle forward
6,7 Rock forward on left foot, make a ¼ turn left and sweep left foot back
8&1 Left sailor step

(10-18) Cross-Side, Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock, Cross Back Together
2,3 Cross right foot over left, step left foot to left side
4&5 Cross right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
6,7 Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right
8&1 Cross left foot over right foot, step back on right foot, step left foot next to right leaning forward slightly

(19-25) ¾ Turn With Kick-Ball-Cross, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle
2,3 Step forward on right foot, make a ½ turn right and step back on left foot
4&5 Kick right foot forward, make a ¼ turn right and step ball of right foot to right side, cross left foot over right foot
6,7 Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot
8&1 Right cross shuffle

(26-32) Side Mambo Rocks X2, Rock Forward, Full Turn
2&3 Rock left foot out to left side, recover weight onto right foot, step left foot next to right
4&5 Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot, step right foot next to left
6,7 Rock forward on left foot, recover weight onto right foot
8&1 Make a ½ turn left and step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left, make a ½ turn left and step forward on left foot to start the dance again.

Start Again And Enjoy!