Gotta Be Me

Kate Sala (UK) & Sharon Newey (UK)
Hold It Don't Drop It - Jennifer Lopez : (Album: Brave)

Start after a 32 count intro on vocals.

Step Forward With Hip Bumps Up & Down x 2, Step, Kick & Heel & Hitch.
1& Step forward on R bumping R hip forward. Bend the knees slightly returning weight to centre.
2& Keeping low bump R hip forward. Return weight back to centre and straighten knees.
3& Bump R hip forward. Bend the knees slightly returning weight back to centre.
4 Keeping low bump R hip forward.
5 Step forward on L.
6&7 Kick R forward. Step R down in place. Dig L heel forward.
&8 Step L in next to R. Hitch R knee up.

Touch R, Montery ¼ Turn R, Side Touches Switching Feet L, R, Modified Jazz Box, Step.
1,2 Touch R toe to R side. Pivot ¼ turn R on L stepping R next to L.
3&4 Touch L toe to L side. Step L in next to R. Touch R toe to R side.
5,6 Cross step R over L. Step back on L.
&7,8 Step R to R side. Cross step L over R. Step R to R side.

Cross Rock Behind, Hinge ½ Turn R, Cross & Heel & Cross, Shoulder Lifts.
1,2 Cross rock on L behind R. Recover on to R.
3,4 Turn ¼ R stepping back on L. Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side.
5&6 Cross step L over R. Small step R to R side. Dig L heel forward to L diagonal.
&7 Step down on L. Cross step R over L.
&8 Lift R shoulder up dropping L down. Lift L shoulder up dropping R down.

Ball Cross, Step Turn ¼ L, Step Ball Turn With ½ Turn L, Rock Step, Coaster Step.
&1 Step on ball of L slightly to L side. Cross step R over L.
2 Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L.
3&4 Step forward on R. Turn ¼ L stepping on ball of L. Turn ¼ L stepping forward on R.
5,6 Rock forward on L. Rock back on R.
7&8 Step back on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.

Step Lock, Side Step R, L, Touch R Behind, Side Step, Touch L Behind, Swivel Heels ½ Turn L.
1,2 Step forward on R. Lock step L behind R.
&3,4 Small step R to R side. Step L to L side. Touch R toe crossed behind L.
5,6 Step R to R side. Touch L toe crossed behind R.
7&8 Swivel heels R, L, R completing ½ turn L and transferring weight forward to L foot.
Optional Disco freestyle arm movements with counts 3 – 6, also counts 3 – 6 on the next section

Step Lock, Side Step R, L, Touch R Behind, Side Step, Touch L Behind, Swivel Heels ¼ Turn L.
Repeat the above counts 1 - 6
7&8 Swivel heels R, L, R completing ¼ turn L transferring weight on to L.

Cross Rock, Triple Full Turn R, Hitch & Side Step, & Side Step x 2.
1,2 Cross rock R over L. Recover on to L.
3&4 Triple full turn R on R, L, R travelling to the R side. (Or R Chasse)
5&6 Hitch L knee up. Step down on L. Small step R to R side.
&7&8 Step L in next to R. Small step R to R side. Step L next to R. Small step R to R side.

Forward Rock, Triple 1 ½ Turn L, Jazz Box.
1,2 Rock forward on to L. Recover on to R.
3&4 Triple 1 ½ turn L on L, R, L travelling towards 9 o’clock wall. (Or shuffle ½ turn L).
5,6,7,8 Cross step R over L. Step back on L. Step R to R side. Step forward on L.

Start Again