Atlanta Reel
Susanne Harrison (CAN)
Atlanta Reel - Michael Omartin
SCUFF, KICK, CHA-CHA1-2Scuff right foot forward, slap knee with right hand and kick foot forward at same time3 & 4Step down on right foot crossed in front of left and cha-cha5-6Scuff left foot forward, slap knee with left hand and kick foot forward at same time7 & 8Step down on left foot crossed in front of right and cha-chaROCK, RECOVER, CHA-CHA9-10Rock forward right foot, recover back left foot11&12Cha-cha back right-left-right13-14Rock back left foot, recover forward right foot15&16Cha-cha forward left-right-left½ VINE, CHA-CHA17-18(½ vine)step right foot to right, step left foot behind right19&20(keeping legs crossed) cha-cha in place right-left-right21-22(½ vine) step left foot to left, step right foot behind left23&24(keeping legs crossed) cha-cha in place left-right-left.STEP, DRAG, CHA-CHA, 1 ½ TURN25-26Step right foot forward, drag left foot up behind right27&28(keeping feet in position) cha-cha in place right-left-right29-30Step forward left foot, ½ turn to right stepping onto right foot31-32Step forward left foot adding ½ turn to right, step right foot forward adding another ½ turn right (completing 1 ½ turn to new wall)33-34Step forward left foot, drag right foot up behind left35&36(keeping feet in position) cha-cha in place left-right-left37-38Step forward right foot, ½ turn to left stepping onto left foot39-40Step forward right foot adding ½ turn to left, step left foot forward adding another ½ turn left (completing 1 ½ turn to original wall)½ VINE, ¼ TURN, CHA-CHA41-42Step right foot to right, step behind with left foot and turn ¼ to right43&44Cha-cha in placeFULL TURN, ½ TURN, CHA-CHA45-46Step back left foot turning ½ to left, step back right foot adding½ TURN TO LEFT47&48Cha-cha back completing another ½ turn to leftSTEP, HEEL, CROSS-OVER, CROSS-OVER49-50Step slightly back to the right (on angle to the left) on right foot, present left heel forward&51&52Hop onto left foot and jump, crossing right foot in front of left (weight onto right), step ball of left foot, step ball of right foot (right foot still crossed over left)53-53Step slightly back to the left (on angle to right) on left foot, present right heel forward&55&56Hop onto right foot and jump, crossing left foot in front of right (weight on left), step ball of right foot, step ball of left foot (left foot still crossed over right)STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK, COASTER STEP57-58Step back slightly to the right (on angle to the left) on the right foot, kick left foot forward (and clap)59-60Step back slightly to the left (on angle to the right) on the left foot, kick right foot forward (and clap)61-62Step back slightly to the right (on angle to the left) on the right foot, kick left foot forward (and clap)63&64(Coaster step) step back on left foot, step back ball of right foot, step forward left footREPEAT