Bad Boy
Tina "Little Bit" Richardson
If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy) - Backstreet Boys
ARM/KNEE ROLLS1-2Roll right knee and arm inside to out ending with palm up3-4Roll left knee and arm inside to out ending with palm up5-6Bend knees in bringing arms in toward each other in a "swimming" motion ending with palms down, bend knees out rolling hands out to end with palms up7&8Bend knees in bringing arms in toward each other in a "swimming" motion ending with palms down, bend knees out rolling hands out to end with palms up, straighten knees while bringing hands up and behind head in a "hairbrush" motionBODY ROLLS (DOWN, UP, LEFT, RIGHT)1-2Two-count body roll down and back with head going first, as if lying down on a bed3-4Two-count body roll up and forward, as if coming up off the bed5-6Body roll side left for two counts, shifting weight left7-8Body roll side right for two counts, shifting weight rightRIGHT KICK & LEFT TOUCH BACK, LEFT KICK & RIGHT TOUCH BACK SYNCOPATED TOE TOUCHES (FORWARD RIGHT, SIDE LEFT, SIDE RIGHT, FORWARD LEFT)1&2Shift weight left/right kick forward, step right back, left toe touch back3&4Left kick forward, step left back, right toe touch back5&6Right toe touch forward, right step next to left, left toe touch side left&7&8&Left step next to right, right toe touch side right, right step next to left, left toe touch forwardRIGHT TOUCH FORWARD, TOUCH SIDE, SWEEP ½ TURN RIGHT (REPEAT)&1-2Left step next to right, right toe touch front, right toe touch side right3-4Right toe sweep back to the right, rolling knee into ½ turn right Keep weight on left5-6Right toe touch front, right toe touch side right7-8Right toe sweep back to the right, rolling knee into ½ turn right Keep weight on leftBRUSHES & CROSS STEPS (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)1-2Right brush forward, right step forward across left3-4Left brush forward, left step forward across right5-6Right brush forward, right step forward across left7-8Left brush forward, left step forward across rightRIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE, RIGHT SIDE STEP, LEFT SLIDE TOGETHER LEFT HEEL & RIGHT STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ¼ LEFT, STOMP/CLAP1&2Right kick forward, right step next to left on ball of foot, left step in place3-4Right step side right, left slide next to right keeping weight on right5&6Left heel touch forward, left step next to right, step right forward7-8Pivot ¼ turn left onto left, right stomp shoulder-width apart/clap handsREPEAT