Big Star
Big Star - Kenny Chesney
SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK BACK1&2Shuffle right (traveling right - step right to side, step left together, step right to side)3Step left behind right4Step right in place5&6Shuffle left (traveling left - step left to side, step right together, step left to side)7Step right behind left8Step left in placeMILITARY TURNS, HEEL HEEL TOE STEP1-2¼ swivel turn to left (step right forward, turn ¼ to left)3-4¼ swivel turn to left (step right forward, turn ¼ to left)5Touch right heel forward6Touch right heel forward7Touch right toe to back8Step right foot in place Option: circle hips while doing military turnsKICK BALL CHANGE, LUNGE, HEEL, KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK BALL CHANGE1Kick left foot low to current 10:00&2Step left slightly back, cross right in front of left (ball change)3Lunge to left corner with left foot (left knee bent, right leg straight - transferring weight to left)4Heel drop left (raise left heel and then put back on floor)5Kick right across to left corner&6Step right slightly back, step left in place (ball change)7Kick right across to left corner&8Step right slightly back, step left in place (ball change)BOX STEP, STEP TOGETHER STEP TOUCH1-4Box step - turns ¼ to left (step right across to left corner, step left across in front of right, step right back, step left to left side)5With body turned slightly toward the right - step right to side6Step left together7Step right to side8Touch left togetherSTEP TOGETHER STEP TOUCH, STEP TOUCH, STEP TOUCH1With body turned slightly toward the left - step left to side2Step right together3Step left to side4Touch right together5With body turned slightly toward the left - step right forward6Touch left together (slightly behind right foot)7Step left to the back8Touch right together (slightly in front of left foot)SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP1&2Shuffle forward with right (step right forward, step left together, step right forward)3Step left foot forward4Step right foot in place5&6Shuffle left with ½ turn toward the left (step right to face opposite direction, step right together, step left forward)7Step right foot forward8Step left foot in placeSHUFFLE, SIDE TOGETHER, SIDE TOGETHER, BEND1&2Shuffle right with ½ turn toward right (step right to face opposite direction, step left together, step right forward)3Step left to side&Step right in place4Step left together5Step right to side&Step left in place6Step right together7With feet together - bend both knees and drop right shoulder back slightly8Recover (stand straight and prepare to repeat)REPEAT