Bhangra Dance
Bhangra Knights vs. Husan - Husan
SIDE BEHIND &, CROSS, ¼ STEP BACK, ¼ ROCK, CROSS SHUFFLE1-2&Step right to the right, cross step left behind right, step right next to left3-4Cross step left over right, step back onto right turning a quarter left5-6Rock back with left, recover onto right turning a quarter left7&8Cross step left over right, bring right up to left, cross step left over rightSIDE ROCK, ¼ BEHIND SIDE STEP, ROCK FORWARD, COASTER STEP1-2Rock right to the right, recover onto left3&4Cross step right behind left, step left to the left, step forward with right turning a quarter left5-6Rock forward with left, recover onto right7&8Step back with left, step right next to left, step forward with leftPOINT & X4, ROCK BACK, SHUFFLE FORWARD1&Point right to the right, place right next to left2&Point left to the left, place left next to right3&Point right to the right, place right next to left4&Point left to the left, place left next to right5-6Rock back with right, recover onto left7&8Step forward with right, bring left up to right, step forward with rightALTERNATIVE ½ POINT & X3, POINT &, ROCK FORWARD, ½ TURNING SHUFFLE1&Point right to the right, place right next to left turning a half right2&Point left to the left, place left next to right turning a half right3&Point right to the right, place right next to left turning a half right4&Point left to the left, place left next to right5-6Rock forward with right, recover onto left7&8Step back with right turning a quarter right, bring left up to right turning a quarter right, step forward with rightROCK FORWARD, COASTER STEP, ROCK, ¼ STEP, CROSS STEP1-2Rock forward with left, recover onto right3&4Step back with left, step right next to left, step forward with left5-6Rock forward with right, recover onto left7-8Step back with right turning a quarter right, cross step left over rightDIAGONAL STEP, ¼ SWAY HIPS, ROCKING CHAIR1-2Step diagonally forward right with right, touch left behind right3-4Step left to the left, sway hips left, right while turning a quarter left5-6Rock forward with right, recover onto left7-8Rock back with right, recover onto leftDIAGONAL STEP, ¼ SWAY HIPS, ROCKING CHAIR1-8Repeat last section Restart from here on wall 2CROSS ROCK &, CROSS SHUFFLE, ¼ STEP BACK, ¼ SIDE STEP, CROSS SHUFFLE1-2&Rock right over left, recover onto left, step right next to left3&4Cross step left over right, bring right up to left, cross step left over right5-6Step back with right turning a quarter left, step left turn to the lefting a quarter left7&8Cross step right over left, bring left up to right, cross step right over leftROCK &, SIDE STRUT, & ¼ ROCK, WALK, WALK1-2&Rock left to the left, recover onto right, step left next to right3-4&Point right toe to the right, place right heel, step left next to right5-6Rock right to the right, recover onto left turning a quarter left7-8Walk forward right, leftREPEATRESTART Restart from count 48 on wall 2ENDING At the end of wall 5. Do steps 1-6 of this section, then do the following two steps7-8Walk forward with right, step left next to right striking a pose