Nach Baliye - Bunty Aur Bablie
WALK WALK, ROCKING CHAIR, WALK WALK, ROCK & CROSS1-2Walk forward on right, left3&4&Rock forward on right, recover back on left, rock back on right, recover left5-6Walk forward right left7&8Rock right to right side, cross right over leftSTEP ½ TURN, & CROSS & HEEL ¼ RIGHT CROSS & HEEL, & CROSS & HEEL1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right3&4&Cross left over right, step right back, touch left heel to left side&5&6Step on to left, cross right over left, ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, touch right heel to right side&7&8Step on to right, cross left over right, touch left heel to left sideROLLING VINE LEFT, FUNKY HIPS1-2Step on to left making ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left stepping back on right3-4&½ turn left, rock side left & clap5-6Leaving weight on left, roll the hips to the left over 2 counts7-8Repeat moves 5-6 Optional arms: bring both hand up to praying hands above your head while doing hips or if you wish body rollsROLLING VINE RIGHT, FUNKY HIPS1-2Step on right making ¼ turn right, ¼ turn right stepping back on left3-4&½ turn right, rock side right & clap5-6Leaving weight on right, roll hips to the left over 2 counts7-8&Roll hips to the left over 2 counts & take weight on to left Optional arms: bring both hand up to praying hands above your head while doing hips or if you wish body rolls Restart here on wall 7CROSS BACK ½ TURN RIGHT SHUFFLE TOUCH & HEEL & TURN TOUCH & HEEL1-2Cross right over left, step back on left3&4½ turn shuffle over right stepping right, left, right5&6Touch left to left side, ¼ turn left touch right back&7&8&Bring weight back on to right, touch left heel forward, touch right next to left (facing 12:00)DIAGONAL RIGHT STEP LOCK STEP LOCK, DIAGONAL LEFT STEP LOCK1-2Step right heel to right diagonal, step lock left behind right3-4Step right to right diagonal, touch left behind right5-6Step left heel to left diagonal, step lock left behind right Restart here during the 3rd wall, count 5 step left to left side7-8Step left heel to left diagonal, touch right behind right Optional arms: right palm facing up above head, left palm facing down by left hip when going to right diagonal, change for left palm up right facing down when going leftTOUCH & TOUCH & TOUCH FLICK CROSS DIP & BACK LOCK STEP1&2Touch right toe to right side, touch left toe to left side&3-4Touch right toe to right side, flick right heel5Cross right over left, dip both knees (keeping weight on right)6Scoot back on right keeping left knee hitched behind right knee7-8Back left lock step, (traveling backwards towards 7:00) (straighten up on 8 to face 9:00) stepping left, right, leftCROSS UNWIND ½ TURN LEFT, SIDE RIGHT SHUFFLE, PADDLE TURN HALF TURN RIGHT1-2Cross right over left unwind ½ left turn over left shoulder3&4Cross right shuffle right, left, right5&6Touch left toe to left side making a two count ¼ paddle turn right7-8Repeat above to complete a ½ turn right (facing 9:00)REPEATRESTART During wall 3, you will be facing the back. Do a right lock step touch, and on count 5 step to the side on your left. Restart dance from the beginning During wall seven you will be facing the back. Restart the dance after the first 32 countsTAG On 11th wall facing the back complete the first 32 counts and add 4 more counts1-4Hip bumps or rolls Then continue with the dance, stepping side left