Chica Cha Cha
Ola Chica (Special Superstar Edit) - El Chico
Sequence: AB, AB, CD, CPART A OPEN BREAK, CHASSE, SPIRAL, FULL TURN TO THE LEFT1Step right foot to the right and turn ¼ right2-3Left foot break forward, recover on right foot and turn ¼ left4&5Chassé to the left6-7Cross right foot in front of left foot, right foot full turn to the left (end with left foot crossed in front of right foot)8&1Triple step in place with a full turn to the leftSYNCOPATED CUBAN BREAKS2&Cross right foot break forward (breaking toward 10:30), recover onto left foot3&Break back on right foot (toward 4:30), recover onto left foot4&5Cross right foot break forward, recover onto left foot, step right foot to the right (squarng up to 12:00)6&Cross break forward on left foot (breaking toward 1:30), recover onto right foot7&Break back on left foot (7:30), recover onto right foot8&1Cross break left foot forward, recover onto right foot, step left foot back (7:30)HOLD, WALK LOCK SEQUENCE2&3Hold, right foot small step back, step left foot together turning ¼ turn to the left (facing 10:30)4&5Lock triple forward (10:30)6-7Step left foot forward and turn ¼ to the left, step right foot back (1:30)8&1Lock triple backWALK SEQUENCE, SPOT TURN, TOGETHER2-3Step right foot back and turn ¼ to the left, step left foot forward (4:30)4&5Lock triple forward6-7Step left foot forward and turn ½ to the right, step right foot forward (10:30)8Step left foot together with 1/8 turn to the right to face 12:00PART B SYNCOPATED BACK BREAK, CHASSE, SYNCOPATED BACK BREAK, LOCK TRIPLE FORWARD1Step right foot to the right (3:00)2&3Hold, break back onto left foot, recover onto right foot4&5Chassé to the left (9:00)6&7Hold, break back on right foot, recover onto left foot8&1Lock triple forward (12:00)SPOT TURN, ½ TURN LEFT WITH RONDE, STEP BEHIND, RIGHT CUCARACHA2-3Step left foot forward and turn ½ to the right, step right foot forward (6:00)4&5Lock triple forward&6Step right foot on right foot, turn ½ to the left while making a side-to-back rondé with left foot7Step left foot behind right foot8&1Right cucarachaSTEP FORWARD, HOOK, FULL TURN RIGHT, HIP ROLL2-3Step left foot forward, hook right foot behind left foot4-5Full turn to the right, touch left foot forward starting hip roll6-8Hip roll keeping weight on right footBATUCADA1&a2Break forward on left foot, recover onto right foot, step left foot back, right foot break forward&a3Recover onto left foot, step right foot back, break forward on left foot&4Recover onto right foot, step left foot backPART C HESITATION, SPIRAL TURN TO THE LEFT, BREAK STEP FORWARD, COASTER STEP1-3Slowly pass weight on right foot4&5Spiral full turn to the left, step left foot forward and turn ¼ to the left, step right foot to the right6-7Break forward on left foot, recover onto right foot8&1Step left foot back, step right foot together, step left foot forwardWALK, WALK, SPIRAL TURN TO THE RIGHT, CHASSE, HOOK, TWIST TURN TO THE RIGHT2-3Step right foot forward, step left foot forward4-5Spiral full turn to the right, step right foot forward and turn ¼ to the right6&7Step left foot together, step right foot in place, step left foot to the left8-1Hook right foot behind left foot, full turn to the rightPOINTS, CHAINE TO THE RIGHT, SQUAT DOWN2&3Point left foot to the left, step left foot together, point right foot to the right&4Step right foot together, point left foot to the left&5Step left foot together, point right foot to the right6&7Put weight on right foot, step left foot together, point right foot to the right8&Step on right foot starting a full turn to the right, step left foot together1Finish the turn to the right and step right foot to the right squatting down on both feetGET UP, HOLD, SQUAT DOWN, GET UP2-3Getting up, step left foot together4Hold5-6Step right foot to the right squatting down on both feet7-8Getting up, step left foot together (no weight)STEP BACK, WALK, WALK, LOCK TRIPLE FORWARD, ½ TURN LEFT, HIP BUMPS1Turning 1/8 turn to the left and step left foot back2-2Step right foot forward, step left foot forward4&5Lock triple forward6-7Turn ½ to the left keeping weight on right foot (face 4:30), hold8&1Double hip bump forward, hip bump backWALK, WALK, RUNNING CHASSE MAKING 3/8 LEFT, CONTINUOUS LOCK STEP BACK, SIDE2-3Step left foot forward, step right foot forward4&5Small step left foot forward and turn 3/8 to the left, small step right foot back ( stepping toward 6:00), step left foot back6&7Step right foot back, lock left foot in front of right foot, step right foot back&8Lock left foot in front of right foot, step right foot back&1Lock left foot in front of right foot, step right foot to the right (3:00)CROSS, SIDE, CROSS, TOUCH, HIP BUMPS, TOUCH TOGETHER2-3Cross left foot in front of right foot, step right foot to the right4-5Cross left foot in front of right foot, touch right foot forward to 1:30 bumping hip forward&6Hip bump back, hip bump forward7-8Weight on left foot, bring right foot next to left foot turning ¼ turn to the left (face 10:30)BREAK FORWARD, HOOK RECOVER SIDE, BEND UNWIND FULL TURN RIGHT & POINT1Change weight to right foot, turn ¼ turn to the right (face 1:30)2-3Break forward on left foot, recover onto right foot4&5Hook left foot behind right foot turning 1/8 turn to the left to face 12:00, recover onto right foot, step left foot to the left6-7Bend down on left foot, pointing right foot to the left behind left leg8&Start a full turn to the right, step right foot together At the end of the last PART C, include the following extra count1Finish the turn to the right pointing left foot to the left (9:00)PART D CONTINUOUS HIP ROLL1Finish the turn to the right pointing left foot to the left (9:00)2-3Transfer weight on left foot4-5Step right foot together starting hip roll to the right and making 1/8 turn to the right (face 1:30), step left foot to side (10:30)6-7Step right foot together starting another hip roll to the right and making 1/8 turn to the right (face 3:00), step left foot to side (12:00)8-1Step right foot together starting another hip roll to the right and making ¼ turn to the right (face 6:00), left step foot to side (3:00)CHASSE, HIP ROLL, ½ TURN TO THE RIGHT2Step right foot together3&4Chassé to the left (3:00)5-7Hip roll to the left8Turn ½ to the right on left foot (face 12:00)