Checker This Out
Let's Twist Again - Chubby Checker
HEEL, HOOK, TURNING SWIVELS1Tap right heel forward2Hook in front of left knee3Step forward on right foot4Swivel both heels to the right, turning a ¼ to the left (bend knees at the same time)5Swivel both heels to the left, turning 1/8 to the right (while straightening legs)6Swivel both heels to the right, turning a ¼ to the left (bend knees at the same time)7Swivel both heels to the left, turning 1/8 to the right (while straightening legs)8Swivel both heels to the right, turning 1/8 to the left (bend knees at the same time)HEEL, HOOK, TRAVELING SWIVELS9Tap left heel forward. (while straightening legs)10Hook in front of right knee11Step forward on left foot12Swivel both heels to the left, turning a ¼ to the right (bend knees at the same time)13Swivel toes to the left, (while straightening legs)14Swivel both heels to the left, (bend knees at the same time)15Swivel toes to the left, (while straightening legs)16Swivel both heels to the left, (bend knees at the same time)GRAPEVINE, TOUCH, ROLLING VINE, SCUFF17Step right to right side18Step left behind right19Step right to right side20Touch the left in place21Step forward on left, turning a ¼ to the left22Step forward on right, turning ½ a turn to the left23Step forward on left, turning ½ a turn to the left24Scuff right heel forwardCROSS CLICK, BACK CLICK, BACK CLICK, BACK CLICK25Cross right in front of left26Click fingers27Step back diagonally to the left on left foot28Click fingers29Step back diagonally to the right on right foot30Click fingers31Step back diagonally to the left on left foot32Click fingersREPEAT