Intermediate/Advanced social cha
Conga (Dance Mix) - Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE BACKWARDS, ROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left foot3&4Right shuffle backwards, stepping right, left, right5-6Rock back on left foot, recover weight back to right foot7&8Left shuffle forward, stepping left, right, leftWALK, WALK, ¼ TURN, POINT1-2Walk forward on right, walk forward on left3&4Pivot ¼ turn left, while pointing right toe to right side, hold5&6Right sailor step with a ¼ turn left7&8Left sailor step with a ¼ turn leftROCK, RECOVER, SHUFFLE BACKWARDS, STEP, STEP, PIVOT, ROCK, RECOVER, PIVOT1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left3&4Right shuffle backwards, stepping right, left, right5-6Step back on left foot, step back on right and pivot ½ turn right7&8Rock forward on left foot, recover weight back to right and pivot ½ turn back to the left, stepping forward on the left footSTEP, PIVOT ½ TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, PIVOT, PIVOT, COASTER STEP1-2Step forward on right foot pivoting ½ turn left, step forward on left foot3&4Right shuffle forward, stepping right, left, right5Step back on left foot while pivoting ½ turn left6Step forward on right foot while pivoting ½ turn left7&8Left coaster step in placeREPEAT