Darlin' Cha Cha
Linda Brown (USA) & Charlie Brown (USA)
Little Darlin' - Diamonds
INTRO HIP SWAYS Start intro on the "Ahhh Ahhh" vocal1&2Sway hips (left-right-left)3&4Sway hips (right-left-right)5&6Sway hips (left-right-left)7&8Sway hips (right-left-right)9&10Sway hips (left-right-left)11&12Sway hips (right-left-right)13&14Sway hips (left-right-left)15&16Sway hips (right-left-right)THE MAIN DANCE SYNCOPATED BOX STEPS, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, TURNING SHUFFLE1Step to the left on left foot&Step right foot next to left2Step forward on left foot3Step to the right on right foot&Step left foot next to right4Step back on right toot5&6Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left)7&8Shuffle sideways to the right (right-left-right) making a ¼ turn to the rightROCK STEPS, PIVOTS, SHUFFLES FORWARD9Step forward on left foot10Rock back onto right foot&Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of right foot11&12Shuffle forward (left-right-left)13Step forward on right foot14Rock back onto left foot&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot15&16Shuffle forward (right-left-right)CROSS ROCK STEPS, TRIPLES IN PLACE17Cross left foot over right and step18Rock back onto right foot19&20Triple step in place (left-right-left)21Cross right foot over left and step22Rock back onto left foot23&24Triple step in place (right-left-right)TURN, STEP SYNCOPATED ROLLING TURN TO THE LEFT, MILITARY PIVOT TO THE LEFT, STOMP-TRIPLE FORWARD25Step to the left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step26Step to the right on right foot27Step to the left on left foot and begin a full rolling turn to the left traveling to the left&Step on right foot and continue full rolling turn to the left28Step on left foot and complete full rolling turn to the left29Step forward on right foot30Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of right foot and shift weight to left foot31Stomp right foot forward&Stomp left foot forward32Stomp right foot forwardREPEATENDING For end of dance styling, on the fifth repetition of the pattern, do the first 6 beats as written. On beats 7&8, the side shuffle to the right should be done without the ¼ turn to the right and as stomps.