Dancin' Machine '97
Gloria Johnson (USA)
You Lied to Me - Tracy Byrd
JAZZ BOX1-2Cross-step right foot over left; step left foot back3-4Step right foot to right side; step left beside rightSTEP-SLIDES AND WIGGLES5Step right foot toward 2:006-7Wiggle hips for two beats8Slide left foot to right.9Step left foot toward 10:0010-11Wiggle hips for two beats12Step right foot beside leftJAZZ BOX13-14Cross-step right foot over left; step left foot back15-16Step right foot to right side; step left beside rightSAILOR SHUFFLES Exaggerate your motions here on the first step by swing the right foot waaaay out, then swing the foot around for the step.17&18Cross-step right foot behind left; step left beside right; step right beside left19&20Cross-step left foot behind right; step right beside left; step left beside right21&22Cross-step right foot behind left; step left beside right; step right beside left23&24Cross-step left foot behind right; step right beside left; step left beside rightSTEP-SLIDE, STEP-TURN25-26Step right foot forward; slide left foot to right27-28Step right foot forward; pivot ½ turn leftCURLY SHUFFLE29Scoot back on right foot while tapping left toe beside right foot30Scoot back on right foot while tapping left toe beside right foot31Scoot back on right foot while tapping left toe beside right foot&32Step back onto left foot; kick right foot forwardSTEP-SLIDE, STEP, TURN33-34Step right foot slightly forward; slide left foot to right35-36Step right foot forward; turning ¼ left, step on right footGRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE LEFT37-38Step right foot to right side; cross-step left behind right39-40Step right foot to right side; touch left beside right41-42Step left foot to left side; cross-step left behind right43-44Step left foot to left side; touch right beside leftWALKS BACK, STEP-SLIDE, STEP FORWARD45-47Walk back right, left, right48Touch left beside right49-50Step left foot forward; slide right next to left51-52Step left foot forward; step right beside leftMONTEREY SPINS53-54Touch right toe to right side; spin ½ turn right on left foot placing weight on right55-56Touch left toe to left side; step left foot beside right57-58Touch right toe to right side; spin ½ turn right on left foot placing weight on right59-60Touch left toe to left side; step left foot beside rightJUMP, JUMP, SPIN A FULL TURN, CLAP61-62Jump, landing with feet apart; jump, landing with right crossed over left63-64Spin full turn left with weight on the heel of right foot. Use left foot to catch you at the end of the spin; clap handsREPEAT