Dancin' Machine
Gloria Johnson (USA)
You Lied to Me - Tracy Byrd
JAZZ SQUARE1Cross right foot over left2Step back on left foot3Step right foot out to right side4Step left foot next to rightSTEP, SLIDE5Step right foot towards 1:00 o'clock6Slide left next to right7Step left foot towards 11:00 o'clock8Slide right foot next to leftJAZZ SQUARE9Cross right foot over left10Step back on left foot11Step right foot out to right side12Step left foot next to rightSAILOR SHUFFLES (BACK) Exaggerate your motions here, especially on the first step. Swing that leg way out on the first step of the shuffle which will force you to lean in the opposite direction13&14Shuffle back on right, left, right15&16Shuffle back on left, right, left 17-20Repeat steps 13-16STEP, SLIDE, & TURN21-22Step forward on right foot, slide left foot next to right23Step forward on right foot24Turn ½ turn to the leftCURLY SHUFFLE25-27Hop back three times on right foot (with left foot slightly off floor and body leaning forward) and touch toe of left foot behind the right foot on each hop (this will help you keep your balance)&Drop back on left foot28Kick right foot out in frontSTEP, SLIDE & TURN29Step right foot down slightly in front of left30Slide left foot next to right31Step forward on right foot&Turn ¼ turn to the left32Step left foot next to right (changing weight to left foot)REPEAT