Don't Stop
Don't Stop Movin' - S Club 7
Sequence: AAA, BBB, TAG, AA, BBBB, tag, A, B to endPART A (VERSE) RIGHT VINE, LEFT ROLLING TURN1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side and touch left next to right (clicking fingers)5-8Step left to left side ¼ turn, step right ½ turn step left ¼ turn and touch right next to left.SWIVEL HEELS, WALK BACK, TOUCH AND CLICK FINGERS9-12On balls of both feet swivel heels right, left, right, left (weight ends up on left) Advanced option: applejacks13-16Walk back on right, left, right, touch left across and in front of right footLEFT LOCK STEP, RIGHT LOCK STEP, ROCK STEP TRIPLE ½ TURN17&18Step left diagonally forward left, lock right behind left and step left diagonally forward left19&20Step right diagonally forward right, lock left behind right and step right diagonally forward right21-22Rock forward on left, recover weight onto right foot23&24Turn ½ turn over left shoulder on left, right leftSIDE ROCK, SAILOR STEP, SIDE ROCK, FULL TURN25-26Rock to right side on right, recover on left27&28Step right behind left, rock left to left side, recover weight on right29-30Rock to left side on left, recover on right31&32Turn full turn over left shoulder on left, right, leftPART B (CHORUS) HEEL DIG ¼ TURN RIGHT, COASTER STEP, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1-2Grind heel of right ¼ turn to right (as you start to do this take your right arm and turn to the left in front of your body, taking arm out to right and hold hand flat out in stop position)3&4Step right back, step left to it, step right slightly forward5-6Rock left forward, recover weight on right7&8Step right back, step left to it, step right slightly forwardSTEP RIGHT, HIP BUMPS, TOUCH TURN9-12Step right turning body slightly left bumping hips right, left, right, left, (swing arms right left right left)&13&14Hitch right, turn ¼ turn touch right out to right side, hitch right turn ¼ turn touch right out to right side.&15&16Hitch right, turn ¼ turn touch right out to right side, hitch right turn ¼ turn touch right out to right sideTAG ROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK This tag is done at the end of a chorus. The music will say "S Club beat"1-4Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left, rock right foot back, recover weight onto leftFINISH At the end of the dance you will have done the touch turns. You will then have four beats to finish to dance. Take your arms, bent at elbows in front your body and do an "s" shape ending with hands together in front of body (as if praying)