Doe Si Doe
Improver east coast swing
Yippie I Oh - Barndance Boys
LEFT, HEEL, HOOK, TRIPLE, RIGHT, HEEL, HOOK, TRIPLE1-2Touch left, heel forward, hook left, heel up in front of right3&4Step left, beside right, step right, beside left, step left, beside right (triple step)5-6Touch right, heel forward, hook right, heel up in front of left7&8Step right, beside left, step left, beside right, step right, in place (triple step)STEP, CROSS BEHIND, TRIPLE, TWICE1-2Step left, to left, side, cross right, behind left3&4Step left, to left, side, step right, beside left, step left, in place (triple step)5-6Step right, to right, side, cross left, behind right7&8Step right, to right, side, step left, beside right, step right, in place (triple step)STEP, TOUCH, HOP, HOLD, SHUFFLE LEFT, BACK, ROCK, REPLACE1-2Step left, to left, side, touch right, beside left&3-4Small hop to right, side on right, touch left, beside right, hold (weight ends on right,)5&6Step left, back, step right, back beside left, step left, back7-8Step right, back, step left, in place (rock, replace)STOMP, HOLD & CLAP, SHUFFLE & CLAP, SHUFFLE, TURN RIGHT ½ RIGHT1-2Stomp right, forward, hold with weight on right, while you clap3&4Step left, forward, step right, beside left, step left, forward (clap hands on counts 3&4)5&6Step right, forward, step left, beside right, step right, forward7-8Step left, forward, turn ½ right, onto right, (weight ends on right,)REPEATENDING After you turn ½ right, onto right, at the end of the dance, stomp left, forward while you hold hands out to the side. If you prefer to face the front wall on the ending, stomp left, forward, step right, beside left, stomp left, forward, leave off the turnOption Try contra, 2 lines facing each other. On count 26, slap hands as lines pass each other