Little Sister - Dwight Yoakam
RIGHT TOE FANS1-2Fan right toe out, fan right toe in3-4Fan right toe out, fan right toe inDWIGHT SWIVELS MOVING TO THE RIGHT5Swivel left heel to right while right toe touches beside left6Swivel left toe to right while right heel touches beside left7Swivel left heel to right while right toe touches beside left8Swivel left toe to right while right heel touches beside leftHEEL SWIVELS, HEELS, TOES, HEELS, TOES9-10Swivel both heels to the right, swivel both heels to the left11-12Swivel both heels to the right, hold13-14Swivel both heels to the left, swivel both toes to the left15-16Swivel both heels to the left, swivel both toes to the leftSTEP ½ PIVOT, TOUCH, TAP RIGHT HEEL FOUR TIMES17Step right forward keeping right toe down&Turn ½ pivot to the left18Shift weight on to left&Touch right toe forward19-22Tap or bounce right heel four timesSTEP, SLIDE, STEP, SLIDE, STEP ½ PIVOT23Step right foot slightly forward24Slide left foot beside right25-26Step right foot forward, slide left foot beside right27Step right foot forward keeping left toe down&Pivot ½ turn to the left28Shift weight forward onto leftSTOMP HOLD, JUMP HOLD, JUMP HOLD, JUMP JUMP29-30Stomp right beside left, hold31-32Jump both feet forward, hold33-34Jump both feet forward, hold35-36Jump both feet forward twiceKNEE BOUNCES-IN, IN, OUT, OUT, IN, IN With full weight on left, right toe touching floor and right heel lifted high37-38Bounce right knee in twice39-40Bounce right knee out twice41-42Bounce right knee in twiceSIDE STEP, SLIDE, STOMP STOMP43-44Step right to right side, slide right beside left45-46Stomp right twice 47-48Left knee in ankle roll, left knee out ankle roll49-50Left knee in ankle roll, left knee out ankle rollTWO LEFT KNEE LIFTS51-52Lift left knee at a slight angle so it points in towards right knee, touch left to left side53-54Lift left knee at a slight angle so it points in towards right knee, touch left to left sideREPEAT