Feel The Beat
Feel The Beat - Paul Bailey
STOMP forward AND IN PLACE, HEEL SWIVELS, MASHED POTATOES & SWIVET TO THE LEFT1-2Right foot stomps forward, left foot stomps in place behind right&3&4Swing right heel to the right, left heel to the left, both at the same time, swing both heels back in and back out and back in&5&6Swing left heel out and inn at the same time as you step back and behind with the right foot, then repeat on the opposite foot7&8Close right foot to the left, lift the left tow and right heel up and swing left toe to the left and right heel to the right then back to center, lowering the toe & heelTRIPLE STEP forward, PIVOT TURN, TRIPLE STEP, ¼ TURN LARGE SIDE STEP AND TOUCH9&10Left foot steps forward, close right towards left, left foot steps forward11-12Right steps forward, make ½ turn to the left, weight ends up on left foot13&14Right foot steps forward, close left towards right, right steps forward15-16Make a ¼ turn to the right and take a large step to the left with the left foot & draw right foot up and touch it next to leftCRAZY LEGS, HEEL SWITCHES WITH A HOOK, SYNCOPATED HEEL SPLITS AND APPLEJACKS17-18Stomp right foot up, kick right foot out, hook right foot in front of left shin&19&20Kick right foot back out, flick right foot back, kick right foot forward and hook in front of left21&22&Touch right heel forward step right foot in place as left heel touches forward and step left foot back in place23&24&Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of the left shin and touch the right heel forward and close right foot to left25&26&Touch left heel forward, step left foot back in place as right heel touches forward and step right back in place27-28Touch right heel forward and close right foot next to left29&30Swing both right and left heels out, swing both heels back in and both heels back out31-32Swing both heels back in and back out33&34&At the same time swing left toe and right heel to the left, then swing both left toe and right heel back to center, then swing left heel and right toe to the right and the back to the center35&36&At the same time swing left toe and right heel to the left, then swing both left toe and right heel back to center and repeat once37-40&Repeat 33-36& (this time in the opposite direction with opposite toe and heel)PIVOT TURN, TRIPLE STEP TURNING & COASTER STEP, TWO WALKS FORWARD41-42Right foot steps forward, turn ½ turn to the left, (weight is on the left)43&44Make a ½ turn to the left as the right foot steps forward, left closes to right, right foot steps back45&46Left foot steps back, right foot closes towards left, left foot steps forward47-48Two walks forward right foot then leftREPEAT