I'm Good - Blaque Ivory
WALK BACK RIGHT, LEFT, PRESS RECOVER FLICK, SIDE CROSS SIDE, LEFT COASTER STEP1-2Walk back right, left3-4Press right to right side, flick right foot behind left calf as you recover left5&6Step right to right side, cross left over right, step right to right side as you drag left heel next to right7&8Step back left, close right next to left, step forward leftREPLACE KICK, HITCH, CROSS, UNWIND FULL TURN, SIDE TOUCH TWICE1-2Step right in place (you will jump onto right) as you replace kick left to left side, hitch left knee Arm movement: for count 1, circle your right arm to the right up from waist to head then out to right side. Finish the circle by slapping the side of your right leg. This acts as a trigger for your right leg to replace kick the left leg out to the left side. Remember this is all on count one3-4Cross left over right, unwind a full turn right (weight ends up on right) Keep counts 1-2-3-4 sharp5-6-7-8Step left to left side, touch right next to left, step right to right side, touch left next to right Restart from the beginning of the dance at the end of this section but take the weight onto the left on count 8 during wall 4 (facing 9:00) and during wall 8 (facing 6:00)BUMP BUMP, RIGHT SAILOR ½ TURN, ROCK ¼ TURN RECOVER, TAP HITCH STEP1-2Bump hips to left twice, weight ends up on left3&4Step right behind left as you make a ½ turn right, step left to left side, step forward right5-6Rock forward left, recover on to right as you ¼ turn right7&8Tap left next to right, hitch right knee up, step down on left with weight on itWALK RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD MAMBO LEFT RECOVER, SIDE ¼ STEP (KNEES APART), STEP ¼ WALK WALK1-2-3Walk forward right, left, right4&5Mambo forward left, recover right, make a ¼ turn left as you step left to left side knees bent out to sides (squat position) with hands on inside of knees&6-7-8Step right next to left, make a ¼ turn left as you step forward on left, walk right, leftREPEATENDING You'll be facing 9:00 as you do counts 7-8 of last section. Just step back a ¼ turn to the front