Fork In The Road
Intermediate West Coast Swing
Michele Perron (CAN)
Streetwalker - Michael Jackson
FORWARD, FORWARD, TOGETHER-KICK, TURN, BEHIND-SIDE-SIDE: LEFT, RIGHT, (TWO SAILORS)1-2Right step forward, left step forward&3Right step beside left, left kick forward with right knee bend Right shoulder pulls back4Left swing/sweep from front to back of right with ¾ turn left (3:00)5&6Left step behind right, right step to side right, left recover/step to side left7&8Right step behind left, left step to side left, right recover/step to side right Easier option3-4Left touch forward, left slide/sweepFORWARD, FORWARD, TURN/TOUCH, ACROSS, TOUCH, FORWARD, TURN/TOUCH, ACROSS1-2Left step forward, right step forward3Execute ¼ turn right with left touch to side left Extend right arm from shoulder, palm out (6:00)4Left step forward and across front of right (bring arm in)5Right touch beside left Drop and extend right arm down, palm forward6Right step forward (bring arm in)7Execute ¼ turn right with left touch to side left Extend right arm from shoulder, palm out (9:00)8Left step forward and across front of rightSIDE, BEHIND, TRIPLE TURN, ACROSS, BACK, BUMP & BUMP &1-2Right step to side right, left step behind right with ¼ turn right (12:00)3&4Execute ¼ turn right on right triple steps (forward) (3:00)5-6Left step across front of right, right step back7&8&Left bump forward, center, left bump forward, center (weight on right)BACK, BACK, TOGETHER-LUNGE, SLIDE/TOUCH, SIDE-&-ACROSS, RIGHT, LEFT1-2Left step back, right step back&3Left step beside right, right leg extends back with right touch back, left knee bends4Right slide forward & touch beside left5&6Right step forward, left rock/step side left, right recover/step side right7&8Left step forward across front of right, right rock/step side right, left recover/step side leftREPEAT