Funky Country
Men In Black - Will Smith
VINE RIGHT WITH HEEL CROSSES1-2-3-4Vine right: step right forward, left behind right, right to your right side, tap left heel out & slightly forward&5Step left foot back and cross right over left&6Step left out to left side and put right heel out and slightly forward&7Step right foot back and cross left behind right&8Step right out to right side and put left heel outVINE LEFT WITH HEEL CROSSES1-2-3-4Vine left: step left forward, right behind left, left to your left side, tap right heel out & slightly forward&5Step right foot back and cross left over right&6Step right out to right side and put left heel out and slightly forward&7Step left foot back and cross right behind left&8Step left out to left side and touch right toe next to leftGRIND RIGHT HEEL, ROCK BACK, TWIST HEEL TWICE, COASTER STEP, STOMP, CLAP TWICE1-2Grind right heel forward then rock slightly back to left keeping weight evenly distributed. (keep knees slightly bent)3&4Quickly twist right foot on right heel two time twisting from left to right5&6-7Coaster step: step back right, step left back, step forward right; stomp left next to right&8Clap two timesGRIND LEFT HEEL, ROCK BACK, TWIST HEEL TWICE, COASTER STEP, STOMP, CLAP TWICE1-2Grind left heel forward then rock slightly back to left keeping weight evenly distributed. (keep knees slightly bent)3&4Quickly twist left foot on left heel two time twisting from right to left5&6-7Coaster step: step back left, step right back, step forward left; stomp right next to left&8Clap two timesBRUSH, KICK WITH ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP, ROCK STEP FORWARD, COASTER STEP1Brush right foot and cross right foot over left as you brush2Kick right foot back as you do ¼ turn to left3&4Coaster step: step back right, step left back, step right forward5-6Step left foot forward and rock back to right7&8Coaster step: step back left, step right back, step left forwardBRUSH, KICK WITH ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP, ROCK STEP FORWARD, COASTER STEP1Brush right foot and cross right foot over left as you brush2Kick right foot back as you do ¼ turn to left3&4Coaster step: step back right, step left back, step right forward5-6Step left foot forward and rock back to right7&8Coaster step: step back left, step right back, step left forwardREPEAT