Go Away!!
Leanne Nahrgang (FR)
Hurry Up And Go Away - Steve Dickinson And Lori Ross
ROCK STEP, CROSS OVER, HOLD & CLAP1-4Step side right, rock back on left, cross right over left, hold and clap5-8Step side left, rock back on right, cross left over right, hold and clapRIGHT VINE, 1 ¼ ROLLING VINE1-4Step side right, left foot behind, step side right, touch left5-8Step side left turning ¼ left, step forward on right turning ¼ left, turn ½ left on ball of right stepping left, turn ¼ left on ball of left foot touch right toe. Now facing side wallSTEP TOUCHES & CLAP1-4Step forward on right, touch left and clap, step forward on left, touch right & clap5-8Repeat last four countsSTEP BACK, HITCH & HOP, STEP BACK, STEP1-4Step back right, left, right, hitch left knee, hop in place on right5-8Step back left, right, left, hitch right knee, step on rightRIGHT AND LEFT APPLEJACKS1-4Lift left toe up, weight on heel, right heel up, weight on toes, swivel heel and toe to the left. Put weight on left heel, lift toes up, put right toes down, lift heel up, swivel heel and toe to right5-8Repeat last 4 counts3 'ALMOST' ¼ TURNS, STOMP, STOMP1-4Step forward on right, pivot left, step forward on right, pivot left5-8Step forward on right, pivot left, stomp right, stomp left. Total of ½ turn made. Now facing side wallREPEATTAG The third time the song repeats "hurry up, go away", repeat last 16 steps of dance beginning with applejacks, three 1/8 turns only doing ¼ turn to the left. Instead of last two stomps, put right foot forward, lean forward and hold hands out in the "ta da" stance.