Girls Lie Too
Girls Lie Too - Terri Clark
TURN, STEP TOGETHER, STEP TOGETHER1-2-3Three step turn to the right (step right to side, step left to face back leading with left shoulder forward, step right to face front leading with right shoulder backward)4Cross left in front of right5Step right to right side6Step left together - snap fingers on right hand7Step right to right side8Touch left together - snap fingers on right handSHUFFLE, SAILOR SHUFFLE TURN, KICK, CROSS, STEP1&2Shuffle left to left side (step left to left side, step right together, step left to left side)3Step right behind left turning backward,4Step left in place continuing the turn5Step right in front finishing the turn to face front6Kick left foot to side7Cross left in front of right8Step right to side (rock)STEP, SAILOR SHUFFLE TURN, BOX STEP1Step left in place (back)2Step right behind left turning backward,3Step left in place continuing the turn4Step right in front finishing the turn to face front5Cross left in front of right6Step right back7Step left to side8Step right forwardEXAGGERATED BOX STEP, STEP, CROSS, TURN1Cross left in front of right2Cross right in front of left (exaggerated step)3Step left back4Step right together to face 3:005Step left forward6Cross right over left7-8Turn all the way around (untwisting legs) to face 3:00KICK, BALL CHANGE, KICK, KICK-TURN, STEP, STEP, JUMP OUT, JUMP IN1Kick right forward&2Step back right with weight on the ball of the foot (ball), step left in place (change)3Kick right forward4With right leg still in the air, turn toward the left to face 9:00 and kick the right leg again - knee is now facing the floor5Step right forward6Step left together7Jump so both feet are apart8Slide or jump so both feet are togetherKICK, KICK, DOUBLE KICK, BALL CHANGE, STEP, STEP1Kick right forward2Step right in place and kick left forward at the same time3Step left in place and kick right forward at the same time4Kick right forward again (without putting foot down between kicks)5Step right back with body leaning forward but weight on right foot (ball)6Step left in place (change)7Step right forward8Step left togetherSTEP PIVOT, SHUFFLE, STEP PIVOT, SHUFFLE1Step right forward2Pivot to face 3:003&4Shuffle forward right (step right forward, step left together, step right forward)5Step left forward6Pivot to face 9:007&8Shuffle forward left (step left forward, step right together, step left forward)ROCK BACK, SAILOR SHUFFLE, STEP PIVOT, STEP TOGETHER1Step right forward (rock)2Step left in place (back)3&4Sailor shuffle starting right (step right back, step left together, step right forward)5Step left forward6Pivot to face 3:007Step left to face 6:008Touch right togetherREPEAT