Gettin' Through
Denise Mitchell & Justin Goodwin
Bare Essentials - Lee Kernaghan
VINE RIGHT WITH OUTBACK SLAP1-4Step side right, step left behind right, step side right, slap the left behind with the right hand.VINE LEFT WITH OUTBACK SLAP & ¼ TURN LEFT5-8Step side left, step right behind, left step side left with a ¼ turn, slap the right behind with the left handRIGHT 45, LEFT 45 WITH ¼ TURN LEFT9-12Right 45, step right together, left 45 with ¼ turn to left, step left togetherRIGHT 45 WITH ¼ TURN LEFT, STOMP LEFT, CLAP13-16Right 45, step right together with a ¼ turn to left, stomp left, clapKICK RIGHT ACROSS, STEP, KICK LEFT ACROSS, STEP17-20Kick right across in front, step right together, kick left across in front, step left togetherKICK FORWARD, STEP, TOUCH TOE BACK, STEP TOGETHER21-24Kick right forward, step right together, touch left toe back (with hat touch with with right hand) step left togetherHEELS OUT, TOES OUT, BOUNCE, BOUNCE25-28Heel splits out, toe splits out (½ of a flim flam), taking the weight slightly forward on balls of feet 2 heel bouncesJUMP FORWARD & APART, JUMP FORWARD & TOGETHER, CLAP, CLAP29-32Jump forward with feet still apart, jump slightly forward with feet together clap, clapREPEAT