Goodbye Lover
Jenny Constantine (UK)
Morning Train - Nanci Griffith
HEEL HOOKS WITH KICKS1-2Extend right heel forward, hook right heel under left knee3-4Kick right forward, kick right to right side&5-6Quickly switch weight to right, extending left heel, hook left heel under right knee7-8Kick left foot forward, kick left to left sideTOUCH HALF TURNS, STEP LEFT HALF TURN, LEFT TURNING SHUFFLE9-10Touch left toe behind, turn half turn to left putting weight on left11-12Touch right toe behind, turn half to right putting weight on right13-14Step left forward, turn half turn right15&16Turn half turn right doing a turning shuffle starting on left foot, ending with weight on leftSYNCOPATED HALF TURN MONTEREYS TRAVELING FORWARD17-18Point right toe to right side, hold&19-20Turn half turn right quickly switching weight to right moving slightly backwards and point left toe to left side, hold&21-22Quickly switch weight to left moving slightly backwards pointing right to right side, hold&23-24Repeat &19-20 only moving slightly forward not back.ROCK STEP, ¾ TURN, SIDE ROCK STEP, LEFT BEHIND, UNWIND HALF TURN&25-26Quickly switch weight to left, rock forward onto right, rock back on left27&28Do ¾ turning triple step starting on right29-30Step left to left side and rock weight onto it and back onto right31-32Touch left behind right, unwind half turn leftROCK BACK, FORWARD, LEFT TURNING TRIPLE, LEFT ROCK BACK, JUMPS OUT AND IN&33-34Quickly jump weight back onto right, extending left heel, rock weight onto left35&36Turn ¾ left doing a triple step starting on right37-38Rock left foot back, rock weight back onto right&39Jump left quickly to left side, then right to right side&40Turning ¼ left quickly jump left in and right next to itSTEP SLIDE, SYNCOPATED STEPS TO RIGHT41-44Take a big step to left, dragging right to it for 4 counts45-46Point right toe to right side, hold putting some weight onto right toe (on the hold you could push your right knee in)&47-48Bring left foot to right foot's place, while again pointing right toe to right side, hold putting some weight onto rightSYNCOPATED STEP, FULL TURN, GRAPEVINE, STOMP TWICE&49Bring left foot to right foot's place while stepping right to right side, putting all weight on right foot50-51Step left turning ¼ right, turn half turn right putting weight onto right52-53-54Step left turning ¼, step right behind left, step left to left side55-56Stomp right in place, stomp left in placeREPEAT For walls 3 and 6 counts 49-56 should be omitted to fit with music, and counts &47,48 should be&Bring left foot to right foot's place47Step right ¼ right48Stomp left in place