Gold Member
Robin Sin (SG), Nellie Chan (SG) & Tony Sin (SG)
Hey Goldmember (feat. Devin & So Large) - Foxy Cleopatra
Dedicated to all line dancers on board Star Virgo on 16 August 2002BUMP HIPS FORWARD, ½ TURN LEFT, BUMP HIPS FORWARD, SYNCOPATED VINE LEFT, CLAP TWICE1&2Touch right toe forward, bump hips forward, center, forward (weight on right)&3&4½ turn left, touch left toe forward, bump hips forward, center, forward (weight on left)5-6Step right to side, step left behind right&7Step right to side, touch left beside right&8Clap twice above right shoulderTOUCHES, SYNCOPATED VINE, CLAP TWICE1-4Touch left toe to side, touch left toe beside right, repeat5-6Step left to side, step right behind left&7Step left to side, touch right beside left&8Clap twice above left shoulderTOUCHES, KICK BALL CROSS TWICE1-4Touch right toe to side, touch right toe beside left, repeat5&6Kick right diagonally right, step right to side, cross left over right7&8Kick right diagonally right, step right to side, cross left over rightSIDE TOUCH, ¼ TURN LEFT, FORWARD TOUCH, 4 SKATES FORWARD1-2Step right to side, touch left toe beside right3&4¼ turn left, step forward on left, touch right toe beside left5-8Skate forward on right, left, right, leftREPEAT