Guys Like My Husband
Susanne Mose Nielsen (DK)
Guys Like Me - Gary Allan
LOCK STEP RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SCUFF LEFT, - LOCK STEP LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT SCUFF RIGHT1-2Step forward on right, lock left behind3-4Step forward on right, scuff left/snap fingers5-6Step forward on left, lock right behind7-8Step forward on left, scuff right/ snap fingersTWO HIP ROLLS, ROCKING CHAIR9-10Step diagonally forward on right beginning a to the right hip roll - weight ends on left11-12Roll your hips forward and to the right, weight end on left13-14Rock forward on right, recover weight on left15-16Rock back on right, recover weight on leftSLOW VAUDEVILLE RIGHT, LEFT17-18Step right to right, touch left heel in place19-20Step left foot in place, step right next to left21-22Step left to left, touch right heel in place23-24Step right foot in place, step left next to rightSTEP, HOLD, TURN ½, HOLD, STEP, HOLD, TURN ¼, HOLD25-26Step forward on right, hold/snap fingers on right hand in level of right shoulder27-28Turn ½ turn left, weight on left, hold/snap fingers on left hand in level of left hip29-30Step forward on right, hold/snap fingers on right hand in level of right shoulder31-32Turn ¼ turn left, weight on left, hold/ snap fingers on right hand in level of right shoulderREPEAT