Hi, Lo, And In Between
High Low and In Between - Mark Wills
TOE, HEEL, COASTER STEP1Turn right leg in, touch toe to floor2Turn right leg out, touch heel to floor3&4Right foot step back left diagonal behind left, left foot step to side, right foot step next to left5Turn left leg in, touch toe to floor6Turn left leg out, touch heel to floor7&8Left foot step back right diagonal behind right, right foot step to side, left foot step next to right9Rock back on right10Rock forward on left11&12Shuffle step forward right, left, right13&14Shuffle step forward left, right, left making ¼ turn to right on the &14 countsSCUFF, SCUFF, TOE TAP, SCUFF, STEP, CROSS, STEP, CROSS, STEP15Scuff right heel forward16Scuff right foot back17Tap right toe back left diagonal18Small heel scuff next to left foot&Step right in place19Step on left crossing in front of right20Step right to side21Step left crossing behind right22Step right to sideSCUFF, SCUFF, TOE TAP, SCUFF, STEP, CROSS, STEP, CROSS, STEP23Scuff left heel forward24Scuff left foot back25Tap left toe back right diagonal26Small heel scuff next to right foot&Step left in place27Step on right crossing in front of left28Step left to side29Step right crossing behind left30Step left to sideSTEP, PIVOT ½, COASTER STEP31Step forward right32Pivot ½ turn to left, shifting weight to left foot33&34Right foot step back left diagonal behind left, left foot step to side, right foot step next to leftTOE POINT, CROSS, TOE POINT, CROSS, HEEL, HOP, SHUFFLE, ROCK, RECOVER35Left toe touch to side36Left foot step front crossing in front of right37Right toe touch to side38Right foot step front crossing in front of left39Rock back to left foot, touching right heel to front right diagonal40Hop both feet back to original position, weight on right&Small hop on right41&42Shuffle step back on left, right, left43Rock step back to right44Rock forward to leftTOE POINT, CROSS, TOE POINT, CROSS, HEEL, HOP, SHUFFLE, ROCK, RECOVER45Right toe touch to side46Right foot step front crossing in front of left47Left toe touch to side48Left foot step front crossing in front of right49Rock back to right foot, touching left heel to front left diagonal50Hop both feet back to original position, weight on left&Small hop on left51&52Shuffle step back on right, left, right53Rock step back to left54Rock forward to right¼ TURN, STEP, STEP, ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP55Small hop on right foot with ¼ turn right, left foot kicks out to side56Walk forward left57Walk forward right58Small hop on right foot with ¼ turn right, left foot kicks out to side59&60Left foot step back, right foot step next to left, left foot step forward6 COUNT GRAPEVINE RIGHT, COASTER STEP61Right foot step right62Left foot cross in back of right63Right foot step right64Left foot cross in front of right65Right foot step right66Left foot cross in back of right67&68Right foot step back, left foot closes to right, right foot step forward6 COUNT GRAPEVINE LEFT, COASTER STEP69Left foot step left70Right foot cross in back of left71Left foot step left72Right foot cross in front of left73Left foot step left74Right foot cross in back of left75&76Left foot step back, right foot closes to left, left foot step forwardHEEL, HOP, HEEL, HOP, FAN HEEL, FAN TOES77Hop back to left foot while touching right heel to floor78Hop feet back together79Hop back to right foot while touching left heel to floor80Hop feet back together81Right heel fan out82Right toe fan out83Right toe fan in84Right toe fan outREPEAT If dance is started with lyrics, it will end on the last note.