Holiday - Atomic Kitten
GRAPEVINE RIGHT, GRAPEVINE LEFT1-2Steps right to right side, cross left behind right3-4Step right to right side, touch left besides right5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left7-8Step left to left side, touch right besides leftKICK TWICE, HALF TURN TWICE, KICK BALL CHANGE WITH ½ TURN1-2Kick right foot forward twice3-4Step right to side making ½ turn, touch left besides right (no weight on left foot)5-6Step left to side making ½ turn, touch right besides left (no weight on right foot)7&8Kick right foot forward, step left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left, touch right besides left, (no weight on right foot)KICK BALL CHANGE, ROCK, SHUFFLE ½ TURN, ROCK1&2Kick right foot forward, step right besides left, step forward onto left3-4Rock forward onto right foot, rock back onto left foot5&6Make ½ turn right stepping right left right7-8Rock forward onto left foot, rock back onto rightSHUFFLE ½ TURN, ½ TURN/ SHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ TURN, STOMP, SCUFF1&2Make ½ turn to left, stepping left, right, left3-4Step back onto right foot making ½ turn left5&6Step forward on right, close left besides right, step forward on right7-8Step back onto left making ½ turn to the right&(While bending left knee) stomp left foot slightly forward9Scuff right foot besides left foot, (no weight on it)REPEAT