I'll Second That
I'll Second That Emotion - Run C&W
RIGHT TOE POINTS WITH STYLING, FOOT SWITCH, LEFT TOE POINTS WITH STYLING1Step right toe to right side pointing towards left instep (head facing right-arms swing to right)2(Turning on heel) point right toe towards right (head facing left-arms swing to left)3(Turning on heel) point right toe towards left instep (head facing right-arms swing to right)4(Turning on heel) point right toe towards right (head facing left-arms swing to left)&Step right foot next to left5Step left toe to left side pointing towards right instep (head facing left-arms swing to left)6(Turning on heel) point left toe towards left (head facing right-arms swing to right)7(Turning on heel) point left towards right instep (head facing left-arms swing to left)8(Turning on heel) point left toe towards left (head facing right-arms swing to right)FORWARD SASTER WITH ¼ LEFT, CHARLESTON KICK STEP, STEP BACKWARD PIVOT ½ RIGHT, STEP FORWARD9&10Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, turn ¼ left & step forward onto left foot11-12Step forward onto right foot, kick left foot forward13-14Step backward onto left foot, step backward onto right toe15-16Pivot ½ right & drop right heel, step forward onto left foot 'Saster' - the first two steps are as a 'sailor shuffle/step' with the third being the forward (or backward) foot movement of a 'coaster step'SYNCOPATED STEP-LOCK-STEP, CHARLESTON KICK STEP, STEP BACKWARD TURN ¾ LEFT, DIAGONAL HEEL SWITCH17&18Step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right, step forward onto right foot19-20Step forward onto left foot, kick right foot forward21-22Step backward onto right foot, step backward onto left toe23&24Turn ¾ left & step backward onto right foot (left heel on floor), step left foot next to right, step right heel diagonally forward Count 23 turning action is in fact a very shallow jump so that the left heel can be placedDIAGONAL-FORWARD HEEL SWITCH, SYNCOPATED STEP-LOCK-STEP, STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ½ LEFT, STEP FORWARD, PIVOT ¼ LEFT&25Step right foot next to left, step left heel diagonally forward&26Step left foot next to right, step right foot forward27&28Step forward onto left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward onto left foot29-30Step forward slightly onto right foot, pivot ½ left31-32Step forward slightly onto right foot, pivot ¼ leftREPEATEND Facing home wall - 3rd time around or 9th wall - after count 8 FORWARD SASTER, TOGETHER1&2Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step forward onto left foot3Step right foot next to left with optional clap