Instant Replay
Instant Replay - Dan Hartman
WALK FORWARD X4, TOE TOUCH FORWARD, STEP BACK, LEFT BACK COASTER STEP1-4Step right forward, left, right, left5-6Right toe touch forward, step right back7&8Step left back, right foot together with left, step left forward (12:00)RIGHT LUNGE, TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CHANGE, LEFT LUNGE, TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CHANGE9Right lunge to right forward diagonally (2:00)10Left touch next to right11&12Left kick forward, left step ball of foot next to right, right step in place13Left lunge to left diagonally (10:00)14Right touch next to left15&16Right kick forward, right step ball of foot next to left, left step in place (12:00)RIGHT LUNGE, STEP, KICK- OUT-OUT, HIP BUMPS TWICE17Right lunge to right forward diagonally (2:00)18Left step next to right19&20Right kick forward, right small step side right, left small step side left21-22Bump hips right, bump hips left23-24Bump hips right, bump hips left (12:00)¼ LEFT PADDLE TURN X3, HOLD, LEFT SAILOR SHUFFLE, RIGHT SAILOR SHUFFLE25&Step right forward, left ¼ turn shifting weight to left foot26&Step right forward, left ¼ turn shifting weight to left foot27&Step right forward, left ¼ turn shifting weight to left foot28Hold (transfer weight to right foot)29&30Left cross behind right, right step to right side, left step slightly to left31&32Right cross behind left, left step to left side, right step slightly to right (3:00)LEFT ROCKING HORSE, PIVOT ½ RIGHT TWICE33-34Left rock forward, right recover35-36Left rock back, right recover37-38Step left forward, pivot ½ right shifting weight to right39-40Step left forward, pivot ½ right shifting weight to right (3:00)LEFT ROCKING HORSE, PIVOT ½ RIGHT TWICE41-42Left rock forward, right recover43-44Left rock back, right recover45-46Step left forward, pivot ½ right shifting weight to right47-48Step left forward, pivot ½ right shifting weight to right (3:00)TOUCH LEFT, TOUCH BEHIND, STEP LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT BEHIND, STEP RIGHT, TOUCH LEFT BEHIND, STEP LEFT, TOUCH RIGHT BEHIND49-50Left touch side left, left touch behind right51-52Left step to left side, right touch behind left53-54Right step to right side, left touch behind right55-56Left step to left side, right touch behind left (3:00)WALK FORWARD X4, TOE TOUCH FORWARD, STEP BACK, LEFT BACK COASTER STEP57-60Step right forward, left, right, left61-62Right toe touch forward, step right back63&64Step left back, right foot together with left, step left forward (3:00)REPEAT There are a lot of versions of "Instant Replay." This one is kind of long at 5:19, but it's still my favorite.