You're the Reason - Daniel O'Donnell
VINE RIGHT STOMP, SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK RETURN1-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, stomp left beside right5&6Side shuffle to the left left, right, left7-8Rock/step right behind left, rock forward onto leftVINE RIGHT STOMP, ¼ TURN SHUFFLE, ROCK RETURN9-12Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, stomp left beside right13&14Making ¼ right shuffle back left, right, left15-16Rock/step back on right, rock forward onto leftFORWARD TOGETHER, HEEL SPLIT, STEP BACK STOMP/CLAP, STEP BACK STOMP/CLAP17-18Step forward on right, step left beside right19-20Twist heels apart, twist heels to center keeping weight on left21-22Step back on right to right diagonal, stomp left beside right and clap23-24Step back on left to left diagonal, stomp right beside left and clapBRONCO, BRONCO, ¼ ROCK RETURN, ½ STEP TOUCH25-26Step right to right, bend left knee across right and slap it with right hand (bronco)27-28Touch left to left side, bend left knee across right and slap it with right hand (bronco)29-30Making ¼ left rock/step forward on left, rock back on right31-32Making ½ left step forward on left, touch right beside leftREPEATTAG At the end of walls 3 and 6 add the following hip bumps1-2-3-4Bump hips to the right twice, bump hips to the left twice5-6Bump hips right, bump hips left Restart dance from the beginning