It's What Y'gotta Do
Donna Lawrie (UK) & Gemma Cook
Do What You Gotta Do - Garth Brooks
STOMP CLAP, STEP, STOMP CLAP1Stomp forward on the right foot2Clap hands in front of you&Step the left foot next to the right3Stomp forward on the right foot4Touch left toe next to right and clapTURNING TRIPLE STEPS5Step back on the right foot turning ½ a turn to the left&Step the right foot up to the left6Step forward on the left foot7Step forward on the right foot turning ½ to the left&Step the left foot back to the right8Step back on the right footROCK STEP, TRIPLE STEP9Rock back onto the left foot10Rock forward onto the right foot11Step forward onto the left foot&Step the right foot up to the left12Step forward on the left footSYNCOPATED VINE13Step the right foot to the right side14Cross the left foot behind the right&Step the right foot to the right side15Cross the left foot in front of the right16Step to the right side with the right footTOUCH LEFT, ROLL LEFT17Touch the left toe next to the right foot (no weight)18Step a ¼ of a turn to the left with the left foot19Step ½ a turn to the left with the right foot20Step a ¼ of a turn to the left with the left footKICK, ROCK STEP, KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK, TURN, SCUFF21Kick the right foot forward22Rock back on the right foot23Rock forward onto the left foot24Kick the right foot forward&Step the right foot back in place (with weight)25Step the left foot next to the right (with weight)26Kick the right foot forward27Step back onto the right foot turning ½ a turn to the right28Scuff the left foot past the rightTOE STRUTS29Cross the left foot over the right foot placing only the toe down30Slap the heel of the left foot down while clicking the fingers on both hands31Step to the right side placing only the toe down32Slap the heel of the right foot down while clicking the fingers on both handsSAILOR STEP, TOE STRUT33Cross the left foot behind the right foot&Step the right foot to the right side (with weight)34Step the right foot to the right side (with weight)35Cross the right foot over the left foot placing only the toe down36Slap the heel of the right foot down while clicking the fingers on both handsTOE STRUT, TURNING COASTER STEP37Step the left foot to the left side placing only the toe down38Slap the heel of the left foot down while clicking the fingers on both hands39Step back on the right foot turning a ¼ of a turn to the right&Step the left foot next to the right foot40Step forward on the right footSTOMP CLAP, STEP, STOMP CLAP41Stomp forward on the left foot42Clap hands in front of you&Step the right foot next to the left43Stomp forward on the left foot44Clap hands in front of you while touching the right foot next to the left (no weight)TOUCH BACK, ½ TURN, TURNING TRIPLE STEP45Touch the right toe back46Turn ½ a turn to the right47Step back on the left foot turning ½ to the right&Step the right foot back to the left48Step back on the left footREPEAT