You've Got To Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
Irene Groundwater (CAN)
Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive - Willie Nelson
TOUCH, HOLD, TOUCH, HOLD, FORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD, BRUSH1-2Touch right ball forward (raising right hip), hold (with clap in front)3-4Touch right ball back (looking over right shoulder), hold (clap to right)5-6-7-8Right. Forward, lock left behind right, right. Forward, brush left ball past right, instep Option:5-6Pivot ¼ turn left on left as you side step right, cross left behind right7Side step right8Pivot ¼ turn right on right ball as you brush left ball past right instepTOUCH, HOLD, TOUCH, HOLD, FORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD, BRUSH1-2Touch left ball forward (raising left hip), hold (with clap in front)3-4Touch left ball back (looking over left shoulder), hold (clap to left)5-6-7-8Left. Forward, lock right. Behind left., left. Forward, brush right. Ball past left. Instep) Option:5-6Pivot ¼ turn right on right as you side step left, cross right behind left)7Side step left8Pivot ¼ turn left on left ball as you brush right ball past left instepCROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, ¼ TURN RIGHT, BACK, TOGETHER1-2Cross right over left, side step left3-4Cross right behind left, side step left5-6Cross right over left, turn ¼ turn right on right ball as left steps back7-8Right back, step left beside rightTOUCH, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD1-2Touch right ball forward (raising right hip), step forward on right3-4Touch left ball forward (raising left hip), step forward on left5-6Touch right ball forward (raising right hip), step forward on right7-8Touch left ball forward (raising left hip), step forward on left Option:1Raise hands overhead - body facing diagonal left2Lower hands and face body forward)3Raise hands overhead - body facing diagonal right4Lower hands and face body forward)5Raise hands overhead - body facing diagonal left6Lower hands and face body forward)7Raise hands overhead - body facing diagonal right8Lower hands and face body forward)REPEAT
On count 16 of wall 8, pivot ¼ turn right on left to face front and pose