Westin Waltz
Michele Perron (CAN)
Old-Fashioned Broken Heart - Lisa Stewart
SIDE, BACK/ROCK: SIDE, TOUCH, HOLD: REPEAT1Left step to side left2Right toe/ball step behind left3Left rock/step forward in front of right&4Right step to side right, left touch behind right5-6Hold7-12Repeat counts 1-6TURN, SWEEP, HOLD: ACROSS, SIDE/ROCK: REPEAT13Left step forward with ¼ turn left (keep right toe/ball on floor at count 11 position)14Right toe sweeps and circles around to side right & slightly forward (pivot on left toe/ball)15Hold16-17Right step across front of left, left toe/ball step to side left18Right rock/step to side right19-24Repeat counts 13-18DIAGONAL MOVEMENT FORWARD: REPEAT: DIAGONAL MOVEMENT BACKWARD: REPEAT25Left step diagonal right forward across front of right (allow body to turn to 1:30)26-27Right toe/ball step to side right, left rock/step to side left28Right step diagonal left forward across front of left (allow body to turn to 10:30)29-30Left toe/ball step to side left, right rock/step to side right31Left step diagonal right behind and across right (allow body to face to 10:30)32-33Right toe/ball step to side right, left rock/step to side left34Right step diagonal left behind and across left (allow body to turn to 1:30)35-36Left toe/ball step to side left, right rock/step to side rightFORWARD, STEP, STEP: BACK, STEP, STEP: REPEAT WITH TURN37-39Left step forward, right step beside left, left step beside right40-42Right step back, left step beside right, right step beside left43-45Left step forward with ¼ turn left, right step beside left, left step beside right46-48Right step back, left step beside right, right step beside leftREPEAT