Wellston Crossing Boogie

Bud Cranford (USA) & Connie Cranford (USA)

1-4Grapevine left, brush right forward.
5-8Grapevine right & make full turn to right, brush left forward.
9-10Step left diagonally forward to left pushing hands forward as body shifts back, pull with hands as body shifts forward.
11-12Push hands forward as body shifts back, pull with hands as body shifts forward.
13-14Step right diagonally forward to right pushing hands forward as body shifts back, pull with hands as body shifts forward.
15-16Push hands forward as body shifts back, pull with hands as body shifts forward.
17-18Step right to side, step left in front of right.
19-20Step right back, stamp left beside right.
21-22Step right to side, step right in front of left.
23-24Step left back, stamp right beside left.
25-26Touch right heel forward, lower right toe down shifting weight to right.
27-28Touch left heel forward, lower left toe down shifting weight to left.
29-32Repeat steps 25-28.
33&34Polka step diagonally forward to right right-left-right.
35&36Polka step diagonally back to left left-right-left.
37&38Polka step diagonally back to right right-left-right.
39&40Polka step diagonally forward to left left-right-left.
41-42Step right forward & bump hips forward twice.
43-44Shifting weight to left bump hips back twice.
45-48Rock hips forward, back, forward, brush left forward & turn ¼ to right.