Watermelon Wine
Yvonne Hammond (AUS)
Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine - Tom T. Hall
1-2Step forward on right, tap left beside right3&4Kick left forward, step back on left, step right in place5-6Step forward left, tap right beside left7&8Kick right forward, step back on right, step left in place 1-2Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left onto left3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right5-6Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right onto right7&8Shuffle forward left-right-left 1-2Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left onto left3&4Moving left shuffle right (left-right) across left5-6Step left to left, tap right beside left7&8Shuffle right (left-right) across left 1-2Step left to left, step right in place3&4Moving right shuffle left (right-left) across right5-6Step right to right turning ¼ turn left, turn ½ turn left & step forward on left7&8Shuffle forward right-left-rightGRAPEVINE RIGHT, SAILOR STEP1-3Step left across right, step right to right, step left behind right4-6Step right to right, step left across right, step right to right7&8Step left behind right, step right to right, step left in placeGRAPEVINE LEFT, SAILOR STEP1-3Step right across left, step left to left, step right behind left4-6Step left to left, step right across left, step left to left7&8Step right behind left, step left to left, step right in place 1-2Step across right on left, step back on right3&4Turning ½ turn left triple step left-right-left5-6Step across left on right, step back on left7&8Turning ½ turn right triple step right-left-right 1-2Step left across right, step right to right3&4Step left behind right, step right out to right, step forward left5-6Step across left on right, step left out to left7&8Step right behind left, step left out to left, step forward right½ TURN MONTEREY TURN LEFT1-2Touch left out to left, turn ½ turn left by spinning on right & place left beside right3-4Touch right out to right, touch right beside leftREPEAT