The Wanderer
The Wanderer - Eddie Rabbitt
Typed by Ray And Gail GarvinWALK FORWARD 3 STEPS KICK, WALK BACK 3 STEPS TOUCH Two times left corner & two times right corner1-4Walk forward toward 10:00 left, right, left, kick right forward5-8Walk backward toward 4:00 right, left, right, touch left back9-12Repeat steps 1-413-16Step right back, left, right making 1/8th turn right to face front, touch left back17-20Walk forward toward 2:00 left, right, left, kick right forward21-24Walk backward toward 8:00 right, left, right, touch left back25-28Repeat steps 17-2029-32Step right back, left, right making 1/8th turn left to face front, touch left backTRIPLE STEP LEFT, TRIPLE STEP RIGHT33&34Starting with the left, triple in place, left, right, left35&36Starting with the right, triple in place, right, left, rightSTEP KICK, STEP KICK37-38Step side left with left, kick right across left39-40Step side right with right, kick left across rightSTEP TOGETHER, STEP TOUCH, LEFT SIDE AND RIGHT SIDE41-44Step side left with left foot, bring right foot to left foot, step side left with left foot, touch right foot next to left foot45-48Step side right with right foot, bring left foot to right foot, step side right with right foot, touch left foot next to right footREPEAT