Walkin' Back
Leanne Nahrgang (FR)
Keep Walkin' Back To You - Diane Chase
STEP FORWARD, BRUSH STEPS1-2-3-4Step forward right, brush left foot forward, step forward left, brush right foot forward5-6-7-8Step forward right, brush left foot forward, step forward left, tap right foot behind leftSHUFFLES MOVING BACKWARD, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE FORWARD1&2-3&4Shuffle back right left right, left right left5&6-7&8½ turn shuffle to the right, shuffle forward left right leftRIGHT VINE, LEFT VINE ¼ TURN1-2-3-4Step to right side on right foot, step left behind, step right, touch left next to right5-6-7-8Step to left side, step right behind, step left, making ¼ turn to left, touch right next to leftROCK FORWARD & BACK, ½ TURN, JAZZ BOX1-2-3-4Rock forward on right, step back on left, make ½ turn to the right step on right, step forward on left5-6-7-8Cross right over left, step back on left, step side right, step left next to right(weight is on left)REPEATTAG Fourth time thru the dance, facing front wall, simply repeat the last 16 counts, then start over from the beginning (you're now starting on a new wall) The song will sound like it's over, but it's not. Just keep dancing until there's absolutely no more music, ending on 9:00 wall