Too Young To Care
Old Enough To Know Better - Wade Hayes
SIDE, STOMP, BACK, STOMP, SIDE, STOMP, BACK, STOMP1Step left foot to left2Stomp right foot in place3Step left foot behind right4Stomp right foot in place5Step left foot to left6Stomp right foot in place7Step left foot behind right8Stomp right foot in placeSTEP PIVOTS, STEP, SCUFF, STEP SCUFF9Step forward on left foot10Pivot ½ turn right onto right foot11Step forward on left foot12Pivot ½ turn right onto right foot13Step forward on left foot14Scuff right foot15Step forward on right foot16Scuff left footLEFT VINE, ½ TURN, SCUFF, RIGHT VINE, STOMP, CLAP17Step left foot to left18Cross right foot behind left19Step left foot to left pointing toe left20Turn ½ turn left and scuff right foot21Step right foot to right22Cross left foot behind right23Step right foot to right side24Stomp left foot and clapLEFT VINE, ½ TURN, SCUFF, RIGHT VINE, ½ TURN, SCUFF25Step left foot to left26Cross right foot behind left27Step left foot to left pointing toe left28Turn ½ turn left and scuff right foot29Step right foot to right30Cross left foot behind right31Step right foot to right pointing toe right32Turn ½ turn right and scuff left footREPEAT