Too Late Now
They Always Look Better When They're Leaving - Becky Hobbs
FORWARD, ½ PIVOT, FORWARD, HOLD, SIDE ROCK, REPLACE, CROSS, HOLD1-2Step forward left, make ½ pivot turn right stepping onto right foot3-4Step forward left, hold5-6Rock-step right to the side, replace weight onto left7-8Step right across in front of left, holdSIDE ROCK, REPLACE, CROSS, UNWIND, BACK, TOGETHER, FORWARD, TOUCH9-10Rock-step left to the side, replace weight onto right11-12Step left across in front of right, unwind making ½ turn right (weight stays on left)13-14Step right foot backward, step left beside right15-16Step forward right, brush left foot forwardFORWARD, HOLD, TURN, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, TURN17-18Step forward left, hold19-20Make ½ turn left on ball of left foot and step right backward, hold21-22Step left to the side, step right across in front of left23-24Step left to the side, step right across behind left and make ¼ turn leftFORWARD, HOLD, TURN, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, ROCK BACK25-26Step forward left, hold27-28Make ½ turn left on ball of left foot and step right backward, hold29-30Step left to the side, step right across in front of left31-32Step left to the side, rock-step right foot backward and slightly crossed behind leftFORWARD, HOLD, DIAGONAL, SLIDE, FORWARD, HOLD, DIAGONAL, SLIDE33-34Rock-replace weight forward onto left, hold35-36Step right forward and toward right diagonal, slide left beside right37-38Step forward right, hold39-40Step left forward and toward left diagonal, slide right beside leftBACK, HOLD, DIAGONAL, SLIDE, BACK, HOLD, DIAGONAL, SLIDE41-42Step left foot backward, hold43-44Step right backward and toward right diagonal, slide left beside right45-46Step right foot backward, hold47-48Step left backward and toward left diagonal, slide right beside leftROCK, REPLACE, CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ RIGHT, FORWARD, ½ PIVOT49-50Rock-step left to the side, rock-replace weight onto right51-52Step left across in front of right, step right to the side53-54Step left across behind right, make ¼ turn right and step right forward55-56Step left forward, make ½ pivot turn right stepping onto right footFORWARD, HOLD, ½ PIVOT, FORWARD, HOLD, FORWARD, ¼ RIGHT57-58Step forward left, hold59-60Step forward right, make ½ pivot turn left stepping onto left foot61-62Step forward right, hold63-64Step forward left, make ¼ turn right and step right slightly forward Counts 63-64 is really the same as a pivot turn except that you will step the right forward and not simply replace weight. This gives a better lead into the next stepREPEAT