Three Sheets To The Wind (P)
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
This Gun Ain't Loaded - Dean Miller
Position: Right Side-By-Side Position. Partners on same footwork unless notedTOE / HEEL STRUTS, DIAGONAL TOE TOUCHES1-2Step forward on ball of right foot; step down onto heel of right foot3-4Touch left toe forward and diagonally to the left; touch left toe next to right5-6Step forward on ball of left foot; step down onto heel of left foot7-8Touch right toe forward and diagonally to the right; touch right toe next to leftDIAGONAL STEP-SLIDE, STEP TURN, TOUCH9-10Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot; slide left foot next to right and step11-12Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right Partners now facing OLOD in the Indian PositionMAN: VINE LEFT, SCUFF Raise hands. Lady turns under upraised joined hands13-14Step to the left on left foot; cross right foot behind left and step15-16Step to the left on left foot; scuff right foot next to left LADY: FULL ROLLING TURN TO THE LEFT, SCUFF13-14Step to the left on left foot and begin a full rolling turn to the left traveling to the left, step on right foot and continue full rolling turn to the left,15-16Step on left foot and complete full rolling turn to the left; scuff right foot next to left Partners back in the Indian Position facing OLODROCK STEP, PIVOT STEP, SCUFF, VINE LEFT, TOUCH17-18Step forward on right foot; rock back onto ball of left foot Raise hands. Partners turn under upraised joined hands19-20Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot and step forward on right foot; scuff left foot next to right Partners now facing ILOD in the Reverse Indian Position21-22Step to the left on left foot; cross right foot behind left and step23-24Step to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to leftMAN: 1 ¼ TO THE RIGHT ROLLING TURN, SCUFF Release left hands and raise right hands. Man turns under upraised joined hands25-26Step to the right on right foot and begin a 1 ¼ rolling turn to the right traveling to the right; step on left foot and continue 1 ¼ rolling turn to the right27-28Step on right foot and complete 1 ¼ rolling turn to the right; scuff left foot next to right LADY: VINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, SCUFF25-26Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot behind right and step27-28Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; scuff left foot next to right Rejoin Left hands returning to the Right Side-By-Side Position facing LOD.DIAGONAL STEP-SLIDE-STEP, SCUFF29-30Step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot; slide right foot next to left and step31-32Step forward and diagonally to the left on left foot; scuff right foot next to leftREPEAT