Take Me With You
Take Me To Heaven - Tanya Tucker
1-2-3Step left forward, step right beside left, step left beside right4-5-6Step right back, step left beside right, step right beside left 1-2-3Step left forward, turning ½ turn left - step back on right, step left beside right4-5-6Step right back, turning ½ turn left - step left forward, step right beside left 1Step left forward,2Pivot ¼ turn left on left - sweep right toe in an to the left arc - leaving right toe pointing to right side3Hold for one count4-5-6Step right behind left, step left to left side, rock/replace weight onto right 1-2-3Step left behind right, step right to right side, rock/replace weight onto left,4-5Step right across in front of left, turning ¼ turn left - step left to left side,6Step right beside left 1-2-3Traveling forward - turning full turn left - step left, right, left,4-5-6Step right forward, step left beside right, step right beside left 1-2-3Traveling left - rolling vine/vine turning full turn left - step left, right, left4-5-6Step right across in front of left, step left to left side, rock/replace weight onto right (twinkle) 1-2Step left across in front of right, turning ¼ turn left - step back on right3Turning a further ¼ turn left - step left to left side,4-5-6Step right across in front of left, step left to left side, rock/replace weight onto right (twinkle) 1-2-3Step left forward, step right beside left, step left beside right4-5-6Step right behind left, pivot ¾ turn right (unwind) for 2 counts - with weight on rightREPEATTAG There is a six beat tag at the end of 3rd wall or beginning of 4th wall, which means you will dance the 2nd and 3rd walls again1-2-3Step left forward, turning ½ turn left - step back on right, step left beside right4-5-6Step right back, step left beside right, step right beside left.