Michael Kiehm & Michael John Kielbasa
Streetwalker - Michael Jackson
KICK N TURN, LOCK TRIPLES, SPIN TO PRESS1a2Left hitch ball change) turning to the right3a4Lock with left foot in front, towards right wall5a6Swivel ½ left on the left foot and lock with the right in front towards the left wall7a8Spin to the right (three steps) to end leaning to the left on the left footBODY ROLL DOWN, POINTS, BODY ROLL UP, FAN TO TRIPLE SLIDE1Roll down sideways to the lefta2Close right to left, point left to the sidea3Close left to right, place right heel on the floor to the right side4Roll up to the right foot and fan the left to spin ½ to the right5a6Triple and slide back towards the left wall7Holda8Quick ball change with slight drop into kneesSPIN TO THE RIGHT, FUNKY APPLEJACKS1Step forward & spin to the right to end with the right foot next to the left without weight2Step right with lean (open left toe while keeping the left heel pressed into the floor)a3Than tap the left toe in and step to the left with the same action as the right foot lean4-5a6a7a8Repeat four timesHOOK TRIPLE, TWISTS, BODY ROLL UP1a2Right foot hooks behind left, left to the side, right foot forward3-4Swivel 1/8 turn to the right into twists (face front right corner of the room)5-8Body roll up to the right footATTITUDE WALK, QUICK FEET1-4Walk four steps forward towards the right front corner of the room (with attitude)5&a6Cross the right foot over the left foot, replace the left, step to the right with the right foot, replace the left again&7-8Cross the right over the left with full weight, than step wide side to the left with the left foot, than close the right to the left without weight (tap) Keep body over the left foot during the ball changes until the final cross of the right over the leftCIRCLE MOON WALK, VOLTA CROSS1a2Press right foot into the floor while sliding the left foot back on a diagonal than around to the front ending slightly crossed over the right foot. (the right foot starts with the toe, when the heel touches the ground, the toe releases as the foot rotates ¼ to the left. The left foot crosses at this time)3-6Do this two more times turning ¾ left overall7a8Swivel ¼ turn left to face front and cross the right over left two timesSPLIT POSE, ELVIS KNEES, BALL CHANGES, ELEVATION1-2Step left and look down at left side (feet apart), bend right knee inwards3a4aLean right with left knee inwards, stay leaning right while breaking back with the left, forward with the left, back with the left5a6Point the left leg forward and slightly across the body while elevating on the right7Holda8Ball changeDIAMOND STEP, BACK SPIN TO NEW WALL, SHORTY GEORGE1-2Cross left over right, step back turning to the left3a4Spin left three steps to end facing left wall5a6Kick right foot to the side, close, small step forward (kick ball change)7a8Three runs forward (flexing knees right left right)REPEAT