BUMP HIPS LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT HOLD, AND POINT CROSS, BUMP HIPS TO RIGHT, HITCHING RIGHT KNEE1-2Step side left and bump hips left, bump hips right3-4Bump hips left, hold&5-6Step right next to left and point left toe to left side, cross left over right7&8Hitch the right knee and bump the hips twice to the right(knee should still be hitched as you bump hips)CROSS ROCK, CHASSE WITH ¼ TURN LEFT&1-2Step down on right foot, cross rock left over right, rock back on right3&4Step side on left, close right to left, step side left making ¼ turn leftHEEL & TOE, ½ TURN, HEEL & TOE5&6Touch right heel forward, bring right to left and touch the left to back7&8Making ½ turn to left, touch right toe back, bring right to left and touch left heel forwardSTEP HITCH, 2 X HIPS BUMPS FORWARD, 2 X KNEE ROLL&1-2Bring left to right and step forward on right foot, hitch left knee and pivot ½ turn left3&4Step forward on left and bump hips, left, right, left5&6Step forward on right and bump hips right, left, right7-8Step left to left side rolling knee out, step right to right side rolling knee outCHASSE ¼ TURN, STEP ¼ TURN, CROSS, ¼ TURN, TRIPLE WHOLE TURN1&2Step side left, close right to left, step left ¼ turn left3-4Step forward on right foot, pivot ¼ turn left5-6Cross right foot over left, step back on left making ¼ turn to right7&8Triple whole turn traveling right, stepping right, left, rightREPEATRESTART On wall 3 you will dance up to counts 7-8 step side left push left knee out, step side right and push right knee out. With your weight ending on your right foot start the dance again, with count 1-2 step side left and bump hips left