Sumthin Good
Intermediate/Advanced hip hop
Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG)
I'm Good - Blaque Ivory
ROCK RECOVER POINT BACK, UNWIND FULL TURN, JUMP HITCH, WALK BACK TOUCH, STOMP*2 HOLD1&2Rock forward on left (right shoulder pop up), recover weight onto right (left shoulder pop up), point left behind right (right shoulder pop up)3-4Making full turn left weight still on right, jump forward on left and hitch right (hands stretch out to sides at shoulder level, fists clenched)5&6Walk back right (fist comes in at chest level, elbows bent at shoulder level), walk back on left (both hands punch forward at shoulder level), right (both hands punch down at sides)7&8Stomp left twice (7&), hold (bring hands up at sides at shoulder level palm facing up like greeting someone)STEP KNEES BEND, SHOULDERS DUST, ¼ TURN KICK STEP, BEHIND SIDE STEP, JUMP ½ TURN1Step right to far right bending right knee with left leg straight (weight on right, hands on thighs)&2Using right hand dust left shoulder twice as if dusting dust of it (weight on right, left hand still on left thigh)3Turn ¼ turn right standing up transferring weight onto left (sweep right hand forward from left to right ¼ turn)&4Kick left forward (right hand punch forward), step left beside right (pull in right hands and place back beside right leg)5&6Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left beside right7&8Jump on both feet three times making ½ turn left (weight ends on left)SIDE ROCK TOUCH, BODY ROLL KICK, SMALL ROCKS, KICK STEP STEP1&2Rock right to right(right shoulder pop up), replace weight onto left (left shoulder pop up), touch right beside right left (right shoulder pop up)&3-4Body roll (&3), kick right forward If cannot do body roll replace it with hip bums right, left5&6Rock forward on right, replace weight onto left, rock forward on right (small rocks) Hands trying to open the center of a two door without handle7&8Kick left forward, step left to left, step right to right (feet apart) Door cannot open so kick it and stand away from itJUMP CROSS, JUMP OPEN, HOLD, HIP BUMPS, SAILORS STEP, POINT UNWIND1Jump and cross left over right (hands cross in front of face right over left)&Jump and feet apart left to left and right to right (hands to each side, elbows bend, fist is clenched and pointing upward, it looks like the letter L on both hands except one is the other's way, strong man pose)2Hold (weight on left) Hand movement: with fists clenched, bend right elbow so fists come in front of forehead, left elbow bends in front of chest, looks as if you are looking out a window3Bump hips right Hand movement: with fists clenched, move right hands down so elbow bends in front of chest, move left hand up so elbow bends in front of forehead, still looking out a window4Bump hips left Hand movement: with fists clenched, move right hands up so elbow bends in front of forehead, move left hand down so elbow bends in front of chest, still looking out a window5&6Step right behind right, replace weight onto left, step right to right7-8Point left behind right, unwind ½ turn left Weight on right and left still pointing)REPEAT