Streetwalker - Michael Jackson
This dance was originally choreographed for the St. Rose Hospital's 39th Annual People's Choice Award's "2001 A St. Rose Odyssey" which was held on Saturday evening, October 13th at St. Rose Hospital's Grand White Tent. I was asked to choreograph a section of the awards entertainment, known as "The Heart of St. Rose" named by Pam Russo. Because of the response to the choreography the night of the award show, I decided to make it into a line dance. This dance is dedicated to all the employees of St. Rose Hospital located in Hayward, CA, USA, especially to the "Henry Costa Dancers!"FORWARD RIGHT, ½ PIVOT LEFT, RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT KICK FORWARD, RIGHT NEXT TO LEFT, TOE TAP BACK, LEFT NEXT TO RIGHT1-2Right step forward, ½ pivot left (weight transferred - now on left)3-4Right step forward, left step forward5-6Right kick forward, right step next to left7-8Left toe tap back, left step next to rightFORWARD RIGHT, ½ PIVOT LEFT, RIGHT FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT KICK FORWARD, RIGHT NEXT TO LEFT, TOE TAP BACK, LEFT NEXT TO RIGHT1-2Right step forward, ½ pivot left (weight transferred - now on left)3-4Step forward right, left step forward5-6Right kick forward, right step next to left7-8Left toe tap back, left step next to rightFORWARD RIGHT, ½ PIVOT LEFT, FORWARD RIGHT, FORWARD LEFT, TOE TAP BACK, BACK RIGHT, TOE TAP FORWARD, FORWARD LEFT1-2Right step forward, ½ pivot left (weight transferred - now to left)3-4Right step forward, left step forward5-6Right toe tap back, right step back7-8Left toe tap forward, left step forwardCROSS RIGHT, BACK LEFT, RIGHT NEXT TO LEFT, HOLD, CROSS LEFT, BACK RIGHT, LEFT NEXT TO RIGHT, HOLD1-2Cross right across front of left, left step back3-4Right step next to left, hold5-6Cross left across front right, right step back7-8Left step next to right, hold¼ TURN RIGHT, ¼ TURN RIGHT, ½ TURN RIGHT, LEFT TOE TOUCH NEXT TO RIGHT, ¼ TURN LEFT. ¼ TURN LEFT, ½ TURN RIGHT, RIGHT TOE TOUCH NEXT TO LEFT1-2¼ turn right (with right foot facing side wall), ¼ turn right (with left foot swinging around stepping down on left, weight now on left)3-4½ turn right (with right foot swinging around back of left, stepping down on right, weight on right), left toe touch next to right5-6¼ turn left (with left foot facing side wall), ¼ turn left (with right foot swinging around stepping down on right, weight now on right)7-8½ turn left (with left foot swinging around back to right, stepping down on left, weight on left), right toe touch next to leftFORWARD RIGHT, FORWARD LEFT, FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT TOUCH NEXT TO RIGHT WITH CLAP, BACK LEFT, BACK RIGHT, CROSS LEFT, HOLD1-2Right step forward, left step forward3-4Right step forward, left toe touch next to right (with hand clap)5-6Left step back, right step back7-8Cross left across front of right, holdUNWIND 7 COUNTS, TOUCH LEFT NEXT TO RIGHT1-2Start to unwind slowly right, continue to unwind (¼ of the way)3-4Continue to unwind slowly right, continue to unwind to right (½ of the way)5-6Continue to unwind right, then continue to unwind right (now ¾ of the way)7-8Now at starting point unwound (weight now on right), touch left next to rightFORWARD LEFT, FORWARD RIGHT, TO THE LEFT HIP ROLL, OUT-OUT, IN-IN, KICK BALL CHANGE1-2Step forward left, step right next to left3-4Start hip roll to the left weight left to right, finish hip roll weight right to left&5&6Right step side right, left step side left (feet shoulder distance apart), right step to center, left step to center (feet are together, weight on left right heel raised on right)7&8Right kick forward, step down on ball of right, weight change to leftREPEAT