Stop, But I Like It
Stop It! I Like It! - Rick Guard
Sequence: ABB C AD BC ABBB ABBSECTION A - VERSE 2 WALKS & POINTS TWICE, 2 ¼ PADDLES, 2 ¼ SAILORS1-4Walk forward right, left, point right foot out to right side and bring it back beside the left5-8Repeat counts 1-4, but on the left foot9-10Step onto right foot and paddle a ¼ left11-12Repeat counts 9-1013&14Right foot goes underneath the left foot steps a ¼ turn, the right foot is placed beside the left foot15&16Repeat counts 13&142 TOE STRUTS, A MONTEREY HALF TURN, 2 TOE STRUTS ROCK & KICK, SIDE TOGETHER17-18Step forward on ball of right foot then right heel slams down19-20Repeat counts 17-18 on left foot21-22Point right foot out to right side, pivot ½ turn right stepping right beside left23-24Point left foot out to left side, step left beside right25-28Repeat counts 17-2029&30Rock right foot in front of left foot & kick right foot to right diagonal31-32Step right to right side, touch left beside rightSECTION B - CHORUS STEP RIGHT TO RIGHT SIDE, SWAY THE HIPS & STEP RIGHT BESIDE LEFT, STEP LEFT TO LEFT SIDE, HOLD, & STEP RIGHT BESIDE LEFT, STEP LEFT TO LEFT SIDE, HOLD , WEAVE TO THE RIGHT, BRING LEFT FOOT BEHIND RIGHT UNWIND ½ TURN, LEFT HIP & RIGHT HIP33-36Step right to right side and sway hips&Step right beside left37Step left out to left side38Hold&39-40Repeat counts &5-6, on count 40 touch right beside left41-42Step right to right side, step left behind right&43-44Step left in front of right, step right to right side45-46Step left behind right, unwind ½ a turn47-48Bump left hip forward and right hip backSTEP ½ TURN, LOCK STEP, SYNCOPATED WEAVE TO THE LEFT, KICK LEFT DIAGONALLY FORWARD LEFT ,WEAVE TO THE RIGHT SYNCOPATED JUMPS FORWARD AND BACK49-50Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn51-52Step right in front of left, lock left behind right, step forward right53-54Step left foot to left side, step right behind left&55-56Step left to left side, step right in front of left, kick left foot diagonally forward57-58Step left behind right, step right to right side59-60Step left in front of right, step right to right side&61Jump forward with right foot leading & left foot follows&62Jump back with right foot leading & left foot follows&63Repeat count &61&64Repeat count &62SECTION C (TAG) To be danced at the end of walls 2 & 3, added on the end of Section B 4 SYNCOPATED JUMPS FORWARD & BACK1&2Bump right hip to right side twice3&4Bump left hip to left side twiceSECTION D (ANOTHER TAG) To be danced on wall 3 at the end of section A (count 32) ROCK LEFT IN FRONT OF RIGHT, KICK LEFT DIAGONALLY FORWARD, SIDE TOGETHER, PADDLE FULL TURN RIGHT1&2Rock left in front of right diagonally & kick left diagonally forward3-4Step left to left side, step right beside left5-8Paddle full turn left, using right foot to push yourself aroundOPTIONAL ENDING To be danced at the end of count 64 on wall 131-4Paddle full turn right, using right foot to push you around5Stamp right foot forward & lift your hands in the air